Chapter 6: Denying The Bond

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The wolves, along with Blake, were close to the pack house, where most of the wolves' mates awaited for their arrival. The Alpha slowed down his pace and without needing to be told, Blake hopped off of his back. When the rest of the wolves got back on their territory, they either went their families that were waiting for them or when straight inside the pack house.

Blake took a better look at the pack house and her jaw almost hit the floor. The pack house was like castle, it looked like it could fit hundreds, if not, thousands of people. The area was nice and secluded.

She was brought out of her thoughts when the Alpha stood only a few feet away her, in human form.

"Are you okay? We should have the doctor look at that for you," The Alpha suggested taking hold of Blake's hand.

From this simple touch, Blake felt little spark of electricity flow through her. She then yanked her hand away from the werewolf.

"I'm fine," Blake responded bitterly. "All I need from you, is to keep the hell away from me!"

"You are mine, mate! Don't disrespect me!" The Alpha growled.

"I maybe your mate, but I will NEVER accept you as one."

That cause the whole crowed to gasped with shock and disbelief. Those caused a look of hurt to appear on the Alpha's face. His wolf wanted to come out, so he could punish his mate for saying that, but the Alpha refused to let that happen.

After settling his wolf, the Alpha found that Blake was walking toward the pack house.

Blake was seething mad, she hated being ordered around. She had enough of that from her formal captain, and now an Alpha?

"God, I hate this," She thought to herself.

Then, suddenly Blake felt this wave of tiredness wash over her. It was from the cut on her hand, Blake looked down and she was still bleeding. The cut might have been deeper than she thought, because she was fatigued from the lack of blood and collapsed to the ground.

Her vision going blurry and fade in to black. However, she felt a familiar sensation of electricity flowing her from earlier, followed by two strong arms, then darkness.

I know this chapter is short, but don't worry, I will keep at it👍👍👍

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