Chapter 1: Life in the Apocalypse

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The world is not what you think it is anymore. It has changed. But not for the greater good. What we thought was only fiction, legends that were told from ancient times to entertain others.... are real. Werewolves and vampires made themselves known to the world and they didn't do it quietly. War broke out and it was a battle the humans couldn't win. After all, most of the supernatural were hiding among them. Governments and military forces were destroyed from the inside and humans scattered and hid far away.

However, werewolves and vampires still required them. For vampires, it was for food and bloodline and werewolves, mates and reproducing. But the humans didn't want to be playthings for these monsters. So, they hid and made it difficult for those creatures to find them. Eventually, some were found, but not a lot. And the supernaturals were not happy. Guess they never thought things through all the way, but they have to live with their choices.

Humans spread far and wide and created colonies. They avoid wolves and vamps and try to live their lives as they want it. There are big colonies that can fend off the supernatural with modern defends. And there are smaller ones that never stay in one place long enough to found. It's a dog eat dog world out there.

There is one colony out there that tries to give any human refuge. It is called The Safe Haven Colony. It not too big and it's not small, but it was steadily growing. They have scouts that head out on missions to help provide for the colony. There is a certain team right now on a mission to retrieve food from a nearby abandoned city for the colony.

It was a team of four. Two boys and two girls, all well trained. And they were stocking up some food from an abandoned, multi-sized supermarket.

"Okay, everyone packed up and ready to go?" Asked Ivan, an eighteen-year-old boy, with blond hair, green eyes, and a strong build.

"Ready!" Said Beth, a sixteen-year-old brunette, with brown eyes, plush lips, and a cute button nose.

"All good," Answered Alvin, a seventeen-year-old boy, with black hair and a tall frame.

"Ready," Said Blake, an eighteen-year girl, with black hair the quarter tips of it dyed light blue.

You see, Blake is different from the rest of her team. She can't remember anything from her life before the apocalypse, and she has been looking for answers since, like who she is, does she have a family and where is she from. All Blake remembers is her name and waking up in the middle of a forest somewhere and that's it.

Ever since then, she had it rough. Blake had a few close scarps with vampires and werewolves, but she managed. Then one day, she came across The Safe Haven Colony. They took her in, gave her a home, and she has been with them ever since. Shortly, Blake befriended Ivan, Beth, and Alvin and became a good team of scouts for the colony.

With everyone one ready, Ivan checked to see if the coast was clear. With no sign of creatures of any kind, they moved out and began there way through the vegetation, and destroyed roads of the city.

"Man, can't wait to get back and take a nap," Said Alvin strolling along with his comrades.

"Like you always do after every mission?" Beth teased him.

"Hey, this is hard work, so it's only natural we build back up our strength," Alvin explained, trying to defend himself.

"Dude, just admit it already, you're a lazy bastard," Ivan sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Come on, help me out here, Blake," Alvin begged her.

"Hey don't look at me, no matter how you look at it, it's a losing battle for your side," Blake shrugged off her friend's plea for help.

"Hmm, some friends you guys are!" Alvin turned his face to the side and sulked. Everyone laughed at their friend's dismay, making him ticked off.

"We love you too, Al," Beth giggled.


As they continue to walk, out of nowhere, a bloodcurdling scream filled the air. The team stopped and took in their surroundings.

"What the hell was that?!" Alvin exclaimed.

"Come on! I think it came this way," Blake shouted over her shoulder to the others as she started running.

They headed down the street and made a corner and Blake signaled the other to stop by the of a wall. Blake poked out her head from behind the wall to see what was unfolding.

"Please, just leave us alone!" A woman, in what appeared to her early thirties, clutching her toddler daughter, who was crying, close to her. In front of them were four hooded figures in black. Vampires...

"I'm starving, can't we have a small taste before we go?" One of the vamps said reaching for the pair.

"No," Another stopped the first from touching the woman and her child. "They are the first humans, we have found in a while." That one seemed to have some authority. "We have to bring them back to the coven with their blood fresh."

"What's up?" Ivan asked, curiosity getting the best of him.

"Vamps! Four of them, cornering two civilians," Blake reported back.

"What do we do?" Alvin asked.

Blake reached and pulled out her retractable bow, reached for an arrow and set it.

"I'll take one of them out, while rest of them are distracted with us, Beth will lead the mother and her child to safety," Blake explained and everyone nodded.

"What about the food?" Alvin asked.

"Don't worry, just leave it here. I'll circle back for it when the pair are out of harm's way." Beth reassured the group.

Everybody got into position. Blake line up her shot, ready to aim. Ivan and Alvin stood by as support and Beth went around the building to lead the two humans to safety.

The vampires were closing in on the duo, then Blake took the shot and the arrow connecting with her target and then turned him into ash.

The other vamps looked surprised to find their fallen comrade in such a state.

"What the hell?!" One of them growled out. Black took another shot, but the other one avoids it. "Over there!"

"Pick on someone your size you bullies!" Blake yelled out standing tall with Ivan and Alvin with her.

"Well, well, well more popped up, and one of them seems to be a spitfire," A tall one of the vampire group said amused. They didn't even feel fazed by the death of their friend. It not surprising, vampires are heartless beings, anyway. "You all belong to us now, so come quietly."

The three scouts made a mad dash from there spots as the vampires tailed them. All according to plan. Now all, Blake, the others had to lead the vamps away, while Beth did here thing, then ditch their pursuers. Which is easier said than done.

Still running, Blake, Alvin, and Ivan were being chased. They were in a different part of the city, which just didn't feel right. But the scouts couldn't worry about that now.

"They're still... chasing us," Ivan huffed out, sweat dripping down his face.

"Split up! Divide and conquer," Blake said and the others agreed. They were trained in combat so, they should be able to defend themselves.

They scattered with a vampire after one of them. Blake ran into a clearing. It had looked like to be an old park, with an old, destroyed children's playground, a couple of broken benches, and an old crumbling water fountain. While Blake took in her surroundings, one of the vampires emerged.

"End of the line, sweetheart," He said with a wicked smirk, with his fangs showing and his red eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Bring it on, batboy," Blake hissed at him.

The tension was high, and the mood was grim. Just then, a howl rang through the air and that wasn't just any plain old howling. It was a werewolf's

"Oh fuck! We're in werewolf territory!" Black thought to herself in terror.

So guys I finally wrote chapter 1 of my new book! What do you guys think? Please comment and vote!!!

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