Chapter 2: A Wolfy Encounter

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The vampire and Blake stood still, scared shitless.

"Why, oh why did I had to be in werewolf territory?!" Blake thought in a panic.

Then, there was heavy thumping coming, it was the wolves. Blake took that as her cue to get out of there. The vampire noticed Blake's movements and started to chase after her, but stopped when he heard a loud growl.

From behind a pile of rubble, Blake took a peek to see what was happening.

Three wolves emerged from the woods and surrounded the vampire, cutting off any way for him to escape. The vampire was scared, he tried scaring them off by flashing his fangs. But to no avail, it didn't faze the wolves.

This wasn't the first time Blake encountered werewolves

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This wasn't the first time Blake encountered werewolves. She could handle them, sure, but she was unprepared to encounter them this time because she didn't. bring the proper weapons. Blake knew a little about them. Like the two other wolfmen looked like warriors, but the big one, he was an Alpha. You could tell because he had authority radiating off of him.

They surrounded the vampire, growling at the vampire. It was strange, Blake felt some sort of pull to the Alpha when she heard it growl.

They walked on their two hind legs like men but looked entirely monstrous. Bodies buried in dark fur, bulging muscles and huge claws that are more than qualified to crush a human skull. And with those enormous frames, they looked more threatening.

"What are you doing on our land, bloodsucker?!" The Alpha spat with venom in his voice.

Instead of talking, the vampire growled at him with defiance. In the blink of an eye, the Alpha had the vampire by the neck in an unfriendly hold

"I will ask again. Why. Are. You. Here!" He bellowed out.

"I'd rather die than take orders from you, worthless mutts," The vampire choked out, boldly.

"That can be arranged," In a second, the alpha ripped out his throat, turning the vamp to dust.

The snapping of bones filled the air, indicating the werewolves were shifting back to human form. Once they were done, they pulled on shorts that were wrapped around their ankles.

"Well... that's that," One of the other wolves said, casually.

"If there's a vamp here, more can't be too far behind," The second warrior said.

"Right, have some of our warriors do a full sweep of the territory, I want a detailed..." The Alpha suddenly stopped mid-sentence and sniffed the air. A scent that smelled really delicious to him. And his wolf kept repeating one word on his head.

"What is it?" The first warrior asked his Alpha.

"I smell... my mate," His voice was barely a whisper, but the other two heard it loud and clear.

"Really?! Yes! We have a Luna!" The first warrior yelled with joy.

"Can you tell where she is?" The second one asked.

The Alpha searched wildly, relying on his instincts to locate his mate. Blake was going crazy. She was wondering if it was her the Alpha was smelling. Well, she wasn't going to wait to find out. As she was about to take her to leave, her foot accidentally kicked some loose debris. And the wolves catch Blake in their lines of vision.

"A girl?" The first werewolf said.

"A girl that smells human, a rare find," The second wolf pointed out. "She will make an excellent addition to the pack."

"Mine!" The Alpha growled out, walking toward Blake. "It okay. Come here, mate."

Blake pulled out her bow and pointed it straight at the Alpha. "Stay back, you monsters!"

The Alpha halted his steps, immediately raising his hands in surrender.

"Whoa! Take it easy, little lady," the first warrior tried walking up to Blake in caution. His failure to do so, Blake sharply aimed her bow at him, stopping him and pointed back at the Alpha.

"I said stay back!" She repeated, causing them to flinch. The Alpha was kind of hurt his mate would react to him like that.

"But you are my mate, you belong to me!" The Alpha said it like it was a commonly known fact.

"Alpha, I wouldn't anger her, if I were you," The second warrior warned his leader.

"I belong to no one, especially not some overgrown dog, like you," That cut the Alpha's heart deeply, he was feeling rejected and that didn't bode well for him and his wolf.

"Whether you like it or not, you're mine! And if you won't come freely then it will be by force!" The Alpha growled resuming his strides towards Blake.

Blake was feeling threatened and scared. She released the arrow and let it fly, but the Alpha caught it in mid-flight to his face. Blake, shocked by this, reaches for another arrow, but she was thumbing. With this connection with the Alpha and the pressure she was under, of course, she would lose focus. The Alpha was closing in on her and she was almost cornered.

Just then, the sound of an engine was heard in the distance. Everyone turned their heads in the direction it was coming from. With all this excitement, Blake couldn't handle any more surprises.

"What now!" Blake thought to herself.

Appearing from the distance, was two figures on motorcycles were heading right in the Alpha's direction. Naturally, the Alpha jumped out of the way and glared at the people who dare come between him and his mate. The two took off their helmets to reveal themselves as Ivan and Alvin.

"Ivan! Alvin! Cutting it a little too close as usual," She ran up to them and gave 'em a bear hug. "What happened to the vampires?"

"We managed to dust one of them, but the other got away. Once we were finished there, we moved on to find you," Ivan explained give her a smile in the end. "Luckily, we came across these in an old, run-down, dealership."

Blake smiled at how lucky to have these goofballs as friends. However, the Alpha was still watching the whole thing. He was seething that the two human males were making his mate smile instead of him. His wolf was beyond upset and wanted to kill the two. He growled menacingly and grabbed the attention of the Scotts.

"Whoa, they're werewolves?! Alvin asked.

"I'll explain later," Blake said climbing on the back of Ivan's bike. "For now, let's get the heck out of here!"

Blake and her friends zoomed out of there, but they weren't out of the neck of the woods, yet.

"After them, do not let my mate escape!" The Alpha growled shifting into his wolf.


Another chapter uploaded, I am so loving writing this story. If you guys enjoyed please leave a comment and vote!!!

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