Smoke Signals: Chapt. 7: Drinks

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The drive to the grill was mostly silent, a comforting noise I'd gotten used to. When Nik and I had drove in the car before we'd sing together, hum the melodies and mutter the words. We'd laugh and I'd always have a good time. But those days weren't in Mystic Falls. Things were more... tense here.

When we arrived I noted there was a lot of cars parked around the building. We got out into the light rain, hurrying inside. The atmosphere was thick with food scents and light music. I grinned as the waitress led us to a booth in the corner. It was a good spot to people watch. I let Klaus sit first and I slid in next to him. Rebekah sat by Elijah.

"Drinks?" The waiter asked. He was a tall guy, dirty blonde. I smiled gently at him. He seemed weary of the four of us.

"I'll take a Death in The Afternoon,." I said without much thought. The two brothers glanced at each other. It had come out more of a vision and the waiter turned into a dark skinned woman with her hair in short curls around her face. She wasn't really from this era. I blinked back into the present. He nodded and took the other orders.

I sat a moment in Klaus' embrace before I noted that the waiter was also a bar tender, Rebekah had eyes for him but I didn't point it out. He was human, for sure. He had made his way over to a table group of what looked to be some curious eyes. Damon and Stefan Salvatore, the doppelganger, The Bennett witch, Caroline, Jeremy, and a boy sitting with his arm around Caroline who I presumed to be Tyler.

Elena Gilbert made eye contact and I smiled gently from the arms of my man. I ignored her as our drinks came. This young man set our drinks down and lit my sugar cube on fire before pouring it out with water. I thanked him but could feel the eyes of the other table group on us.

"Thanks Matt" Rebekah smiled as he sat down her drink.She flushed a little as I watched her.

I raised an eyebrow at it as he smiled an extra moment before leaving. It left the view between our table open and I let Klaus' arm slip off as he mixed his drink. I stirred mine a little before taking a sip. It brought another memory of the time I drank it, and it tasted wicked good.

"How is it?" Klaus asked beaming at me. I smiled.

"just perfect." I laughed and the table smiled too.

Did they realize I had seen something? I wasn't sure. I slipped out of my jacket and Klaus took a peak. Matt came back to take our orders and we placed them kindly. He seemed still nervous, but he obviously knew Rebekah, so he could possibly have known about the original family. And considering he knew the other group of friendly people, I was almost sure of it.

"You look too ravishing not to dance with." I heard Nik say but I saw it in a another time. I laughed and it brought me back to reality.

I slipped out of the booth carefully and followed suit. I watched him carefully not sure what this would , lead to. He offered his hand and I raised an eyebrow. I took it gingerly and he twirled me around, I chuckled at it. We hadn't danced in 4 years and I had missed it. He pulled me in for a slow dance and I felt safe in his arms.

"I thought you would enjoy a little dance." He said carefully choosing his words. The voice he used was quiet, forgiving. I sighed.

"In public no less, what a surprise." It was a little sarcastic and he picked up on it. He tensed a little and I felt him pull away. I let him hold me out a little bit. His eyes were confused.

"What is that supposed to mean, Mame. You know I'd do anything for you." He said quietly. I raised an eyebrow.

"I know, I just don't think I should get in the way of business." I said and his face changed to apologetic and  then upset. I noted our food was at the table. "Look, let's eat." I said pulling away from him. He grabbed my arm to stop me but I pulled out of his light grasp and walked back to the table. He slid in and I slid in after him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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