Smoke Signals - Chapt. 4: The Danger in Blondes

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I awoke before Klaus the next morning and noted he looked peaceful while sleeping. I grinned to myself and slowly slipped out of the warm bed. I pulled the covers back up around him and he snuggled in. The cutest thing I'd ever seen and weirdest hating for the bad-ass-original-hybrid to do. I tossed on a floral dress and a went for the bathroom. After putting my makeup on I walked back into the main bedroom. Klaus was still sound asleep and I smiled once again at it before heading out the door and for the down stairs.

I walked into the kitchen and wasn't surprised to see Elijah. He grinned sitting at the bar with a cup of coffee. "There's more." Was all he uttered quietly. I nodded. He seemed a little sad as I reached for a cup in the fancy kitchen. I filled up a cup of coffee and stirred in some sugar. The spoon clinking on the ceramic was the only noise in the room. Elijah sighed out and I frowned going to him. I sat by his side.

"Elijah" I said looking at him. He looked to me but past me, almost through me, something was wrong. "Elijah what's wrong?" I asked.

He shook his head slowly. "Nothing, dear." He sighed out and I felt oddly encouraged to hug him. I instead took a sip of the coffee from my cup and looked down.

"You seem down, Elijah." I noted quietly looking back up. His eyes met mine and I knew the look. He was jealous and determined and upset all rolled into one piece. I let my lips tug down into a frown.

"Mamrie, I'm fine." He assured me and his tone of voice was sad as well.

I knew the look. He knew it well. He missed me, he missed the way we danced and touched and smiled at each other. Before Klaus had stolen my heart. I put my hand on Elijah's cheek gently, it was smooth, the opposite of his brother, my own lover's face. Elijah held eye contact. I smiled sadly.

"I missed you Elijah." I whispered and let my hand fall. He nodded before sighing out.

I watched him a moment which he didn't pass by the opportunity to frown. I noted it as well. I missed it too, I missed when Klaus and Elijah were my 2 best friends whom weren't vampires or a hybrid or hating each other. From the journals and pictures and memories erupting I knew Elijah was not always on good speaking terms with his brother. There had been a considerable amount of silence and I decided it wasn't good.

I drained my cup of coffee and stood up. I walked towards the sink rinsing out my cup and I felt arms around me. I set the mug down and turned confusion clear on my face. It wasn't who I expected. It wasn't even Elijah, or my eyes deceived me. I frowned when Damon's face looked into mine. I raised an eyebrow as he leaned into kiss me. I closed my eyes and pushed around me as I groaned.

"Mamrie?" I heard Elijah's concerned tone. I frowned opening my yes and looking around wildly. Damon was gone and I let out a breath. Elijah looked at me oddly. "Mamrie?!" He uttered with more urgency.

"Huh?" I asked feeling strange. Was that a vision because if it was I hated it. I'd never been with Damon, I would have remembered , even through a rebirth. The triggers would have given it away. Something would had have brought it to my attention. I would have never left Klaus anyway.

"You alright? You looked concerned?" He asked his eyes narrowing. I nodded slowly.

"It's nothing," I laughed at it. "I had a memory or something." I shrugged. He looked worried. "It was just a weird feeling." I muttered, knowing he'd let it go. I got them often, usually of happy memories, of Klaus of places and objects. Past memories slipping through.

"Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded smiling reassuringly.

"What's wrong?" I heard Nik's voice and I felt suddenly sick for some reason. I shrugged.

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