Smoke Signals: Did I Call it Off?

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l'd left the car parked in the parking lot. Mystic falls never looked so lush. When we'd first visited this place we'd been here to wreck it, of course that was what I was told anyway. It'd been over 50 years ago which would explain the rebirth into the same body, only with a different mind- er clean slate.

I looked around me grabbing my purse. I locked my doors to my vintage pink car and looked around the park I was standing in front of. I sighed. I'd been here before, but not in this reborn life time. It's strange to think that's how I'll live forever. I was created at the beautiful age of 27 and will look that way over and over again. Ah, yes, the vampire look. But that was hardly a problem. At the age of 27, I was turned and by the age of 50 I was reborn. My body and mind wiped of most of my memories from the age of 50 on until I regain them through experience.

Kids played in the playground not too far away. Or in this case, I'd regain them through triggers. Of course I still had some time left before being reborn again. I'd always stay with Klaus to make sure I didn't come back as a lost vampire girl. I rolled my eyes at that thought and pulled a long cigarette out of my purse. I lit it with a lighter and tossed it into my bag. I sighed taking a deep breath of the smoke into my lungs. Vampires don't get cancer do they?

I blew it out and checked my phone. No new messages. Ah yes, Klaus had no idea I was in his new little town. We'd called it quits when he made the decision to come here. I refused to come and that's  when he decided to pack up and leave out apartment in New York. Pity, I loved the view.

I walked slowly towards the sidewalk and watched the park from afar. No signs of Nik or his lovely family. They had treated with with only kindness from the start. Kol was one to be reckoned with but, after a while he even gave in. When I was first reborn, they had completely let their humanity over take them and I for one was thrilled to have a family.

I walked a while before reaching a semi familiar place. I looked at it a moment. "The Grill." I said smiling. It rang no bells but I looked around before going inside. There was a few people at the bar and some people eating at booths. I sighed.

"Ma'am- you can't smoke in here-" I turned to the young waitress. She frowned looking extremely concerned.

"Of course." I smiled then frowned. "Forget I am smoking." I smiled politely. She smiled blankly back and blinked once before looking at me oddly.

"Booth or table?" She asked confused. I shook my head.

"I'll sit at the bar." I smiled and she pointed towards it. I thanked her and walked to the bar taking another drag from the cigarette. It was a habit, even for a vampire- but at least it couldn't kill me. I sighed, sitting down at the bar. I set my purse on the counter and looked around. There was a man who looked vaguely familiar down the way but again it didn't phase me. I had the feeling often.

The bartender came up smiling. Then frowned a little noticing I was smoking. "I know- I'll stop." I grinned taking one last drag before smashing it on the bar. He laughed a little.

"What can I get you miss?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Bourbon on the rocks." I replied sighing out.

I watched him turn his back and start the drink. I leaned forward to watch. I played with my hair a moment. How long would it take to find Klaus' house. Surely not long in this little town. The bartender turned back around and handed me my drink. I sipped on it lightly and brushed the now dead cigarette butt on the ground.

"That's littering, you know." I heard someone next to me. It was the man from down the bar. I raised an eyebrow. He was tall, handsome. muscular. He smirked lightly. holding himself up on the bar. "Damon Salvatore." he introduced himself. Ah, a Salvatore brother that's why he looked familiar. Klaus had mentioned these brothers, I'd kept tabs on Klaus and knew little about theses towns people .

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