Smoke Signals: Chapt. 3: Drawing Lines

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It was early morning when I awoke and I could feel eyes crawling my half dressed body through coverers. Klaus. My dreams had come true, and I was happy I had finally had the guts to come to mystic Falls.

"You're staring." I whispered looking over at Klaus who was indeed staring. He grinned.

"I know." He whispered back and pushed the covers back. Surprisingly he was already dressed. It wasn't like him to do that. In the last years we'd spent together. We'd get up together, shower dress, had a breakfast and spend the day together. I sat up slowly seeing him go into his business mood. He adjusted his hair. I raised an eyebrow.

"Klaus." I said getting up. I watched his expression change.

"What?" He asked innocently. I rolled my eyes. My hair was still up in a bee hive looking mess and I smoothed it out walking towards him.

"You're leaving already?" I asked wrapping my arms around him from behind in the floor to ceiling mirror. It showed his face already asking to go. I frowned. "You're in a hurry?" I asked and he shrugged turning me in front of him.

"It's important, I'll be back as soon as I can." He kissed my forehead and I frowned watching disappear. I growled out lightly. Typical for his attitude. Figures since he was so excited to move to mystic falls. Complicated problems for him, and living in New York had made me a lonely girl. Only so much cigarettes and margaritas could fix. Or dancing... or a good bite to eat.

I shook my head and laughed. What did I expect? I took a quick shower and did my hair and makeup and put on some clothes. What I could, anyway. I pulled out a cigarette and lit it as I walked down stairs. I'd braided my hair to the side and ran into no one when I got to the main living area. Huh. There was a knock on the door frame from the kitchen and I turned seeing Elijah.

I blew out smoke and walked towards him. "Morning." I said with a small smile. Elijah had always been the most fond of me, almost as much as Klaus which bothered Nik greatly.

"Good morning, Mamrie." He said smiling. I watched as he came towards me slightly. "You will be staying her I presume?" He asked. I nodded sighing.

"If you allow." I smirked and I saw him grin flirtatiously. Who knew. He chuckled.

"Of course, our home has always been yours too." He said and we held eye contact a moment. I sighed blowing out smoke towards him and he examined me lightly. "I am going out to meet Elena if you care to join." he offered and I raised an eyebrow.

"Possibly. What are you meeting her for? She seems ... odd." I said not sure what word to use. She seemed like a child forced to grow up. I understood. I felt like I might have met her in a past life, but I knew at the same time I hadn't. I'd hated this town when Klaus told me he had to leave to come here.

"She is much smarter than she puts off." He said sighing. "Of course, that's half of the problem." He sighed moving away from me and towards the coat hanger by the door. He pulled his coat off and put it on. I watched taking another drag. He looked to me as he grabbed my heavy coat. "You coming, dear?" He asked and I nodded going over to him.

When we arrived at the boarding house where we had been the day before I felt something come back to me. Like a second life. I frowned. I'd only ever been there the day before. Strange. I felt a slight déjà vu but I pushed it off.

Elijah knocked on the door once as I pulled out another cigarette. He raised an eyebrow at me and I rolled my own. Elena pulled the door open her eyes shining. She smiled at us.

"Hello Elena." He greeted and she smiled again.

"Hi, come on in." she said. I walked into the house looking around. I saw and heard no sign of the others. I figured whatever these two had to talk about was probably private. Oh well, I was invited in and she couldn't stop me now. I sighed looking around as she offered us seats on the couch.

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