Chapter Nineteen- A Home Cooked Meal

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*Sorry…its just how I write. It seems kinda boring at first*

            *I’m really sorry*

            "Hey Charlie," I chipperly say to my youngest sister, "could you put Mom on the phone?"

            "What's the magic word?" she sings, giggling as I roll my eyes.

            "Please," I sweetly coo as I realize how much I could miss someone so annoying.

            "Okie-dookie," I assume that the sound I heard next was the phone being dropped on the floor- I had seen Charlie do it many times in order to go fetch one parent or another.

            "Hey Elle," my Mom yawns, all the kids and their activities obviously taking its toll on her. She was out of routine because as soon as I got my license, Mom assigned me to at least half of the running, and now that she's back on it all alone again....well I could tell it was exhausting her.

            "Hey Mum," I quip, not being nearly as tired as I should be from all this studying and working I've been doing the past two weeks. That’s right, I got a job.

 A day or two after Louis and I had the conversation in the restaurant about plane tickets, I decided that was finally the encouragement I needed to get a job. So I applied to a bunch of places, interviewed at one, and got the job!

             Louis and I purchased our tickets right away, so we could actually get some (considering the fact that Thanksgiving is the most popular time to travel in the U.S), I paid him back, and we leave tonight (Tuesday). I was waiting until the last moment to tell my mom because I wanted her to be surprised.  We should be in New York by tomorrow, and from their Louis and I are renting a car and driving to New Jersey.

            "Is Thanksgiving still going to be at our place this year?" I question, trying to start out the conversation casual enough.

            "Yeah, Aunt Marie is bringing the new baby," she informs me.

            "That’s right!" I excitedly cheer, "I totally forgot that she was pregnant! Boy or girl? And what is their name?"

            Mom laughs, and some of her youth comes back for a moment, "It's a girl, and her name is Natalie." I couldn't help but aw. I've grown up around babies, one sibling after another, and I never cease to be amazed by their adorableness and the wonder of such a creation.

            If only Vanessa had seen it that way.

            I try to snap myself out of that depressing thought process as quickly as I can, bringing myself back to the present.

            Mom and I continue talking about Thanksgiving, school, and then back to Thanksgiving; both of us constantly skirting around the fact that this year I won't be there- at least as far as she's concerned.

            "I can't wait to have some of your pumpkin pie," I moan, licking my lips at the thought. "Make sure you make a lot."

            "Do you want me to send you one?" my mother asks, not understanding exactly where I'm going with that.

"Nah, I'd rather eat it when I'm there on Thursday..." I trail off.

            For a moment I thought the line went complete dead, and we had lost connection. Then, I heard the happiest squeal from a 39 year old woman.

            "CHARLIE! BRADEN! ISA! AIDEN!  -------! ROGER! EVERYONE, GET IN HERE!" my mother hollers, causing us both to laugh. Even through the phone I can hear the pounding of feet. "Elle is coming home for Thanksgiving!"

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