Chapter 14

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Popped in my head and it just had to go into this.


Third Person POV*

Eren looked up ways on how to get his kids back, even talking to the man behind all this misery but it was no use. O'Malley wasn't up for talking, not this time.

The Omega laid on his couch with tears streaming from his dull eyes, crying non stop as he tried to think of a way to see his twins again. His hand crept down to his stomach where the two had developed from his eggs and Levi's seed, from his lust filled heat to the heartwarming delivery where both mother and father helped their young enter their world. The world which had taken them both away from home. Eren reached up to the ceiling with his other hand like he could reach into the heavens themselves and turn back time to before it had all gone to shit.

His phone started to ring, he answered without looking. "Yes?" His voice croaked with a sob. What was said next broke him further.

"Eren, I'm getting married. I found a nice Omega female from a rich family, she's not a gutter rat like you."

"What?" His eyes widened as what Levi had just said became processed in his mind.

"You didn't really believe that I love you did you? I just said all that bullshit so that I can watch as you broke down. And I'll admit, you were a good fuck but now I've found something better."

"But what about-" 'What about the kids? Our kids? The ones you put in my body?' He thought but couldn't say.

"What? Those shitty pups you popped out? The only reason I was being nice is because I didn't want to get stuck with a dead body. But I'm sure you can replace them, just spread your legs like the real slut we both know you are."

Eren's hand dropped from his ear, the phone clattered onto the ground. "He was right, I shouldn't be loved. How can I be loved?". He got up from the couch and went to his study.

He sat down at his desk and began to type. After he was done, he laid back in his chair closed his eyes and died from a broken and shriveled heart that had no will to beat any longer.

Eren awoke with a gasp, he looked around his house then reached inside his pocket to take out his phone. His fingers flew over the keys as he dialed at the speed of light. He placed the phone to his ear and waited while it rung.

"Eren! Where the fuck are you? Are you alright? I heard what happened to the kids, don't worry we'll get through this."

Eren covered his mouth.

"Eren? Bright Eyes are you okay? You're at your old place right? I'll come get you. We will get Elen and Len back, I promise you."

Eren finally spoke "Le-vi." His voice came out in a croak.

"Hey hey, are you okay?"

Eren sniffled "A bad dream, a really bad dream."

"I'll be there soon."

The call ended and something about that simple phone call seemed to breathe life back into Eren, to give him back the fighting spirit he had before.

He wiped away the salty tears from his eyes then went to the bathroom, looking in the mirror he could tell that he had changed a lot in just what a month? Two months? He couldn't recall how much time had passed but by looking at his face it appeared to be a lot. He had bags under his dark circled eyes due to lack of sleep from the pups, his hair was a mess and he could faintly see the beginnings of a beard sprouting on his face.

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