Chapter 1

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Eren's POV*

I awoke to the sound of my phone going off, palming around blindly with my face buried deep into my soft cozy pillow I finally found the offending device. Without bringing my head up to check the caller ID, I answered it.

"What the fuck do you want?"

"Uh, first. Don't talk to me like a bitch on her period. Second, where the hell are you?! Class starts in five dude!"

My head shut up from the pillow and immediately checked my alarm clock which was entirely black. I smashed my face into my pillow and let out a long groan. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!"

"Uh no thanks, I've got Marco."

"Shut up horse face, can I just call in sick?"

"And have Mikasa barge into your room on 'overprotective mode'? You've got balls if you're willing to face that. Oh and don't call me horse face, suicidal bastard."

Jean was right, after all I've known him since we were kids along with his boyfriend Marco and our group of strange friends. Armin, Mikasa, Sasha, Connie, Reiner, Bertolt, Ymir, Christa and Rum. And we knew Mikasa better than anyone else, if any of our friends were sick or injured she'd go into "Mama Bear mode" in three seconds flat and there was only two ways to shut her off. 1.) Have Annie (her girlfriend) distract her or 2.) Get better ASAP.

"Ugh, it's like a five mile walk to school."

There was a snort on the other line.

"Dude, what about your car? You could drive to school. Or have you forgotten that you could drive?"

I lifted myself out of bed and started putting on some school appropriate clothes. "Truck's in the shop, the engine died again." After finding a green polo shirt with the Wings of Freedom band logo on it and black ripped jeans along with some combat boots, I deemed myself ready for school.

"Class has started, got to go. Try to make it for lunch at least."

Jean said then hung up. I placed my phone on my cluttered desk, then started hunting around for my back pack. After finding the damn thing under my bed, I checked the school schedule Armin had gracefully taped to the back of my door and ceiling to see what classes I have today. Monday-C, which means all classes. "Ugh, fuck my life." I covered my face and the schedule and made my way out of my room. I walked downstairs, clicking the answering machine while I made my way to the kitchen. I glanced at my watch "7:28", and lunch starts at around 12 so I'll start walking at around 9 or ten. My thoughts were interrupted when the answering machine started playing.

You have three new messages. New message.

"Hi, Eren it's mom. Just checking in to see how you're doing. Um your father and I sent the check for your rent this month and... What else? Oh right! Your father and I have a surprise for you! Since it must be kind of lonely living in that big town house by yourself, we thought you could use a companion or two. They should be at your place after school so be prepared to see a kennel by your door. Also...we might not be able to pay for rent next month so you might have to get a job. I love you sweety, have a great day!"

My Mind Reading Bully ReduxTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon