Chapter 9

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"It's not what it looks like."

Eren rests his head against me for a while longer then pushes himself off. After getting a good look at him I can say for certain that he looks like shit.

His hair is a mess, he has bags under his eyes and it looks like it's taking every bit of his strength to keep standing. He was like a dead man standing right before me. "What the hell happened to you?"

He was fine yesterday, wasn't he? Sure he was pissed but he didn't look like this.

He ran a hand through his disheveled hair, I was just now noticing his blood shot eyes. He hasn't been drinking has he?

"I didn't sleep well, I had to make a midnight trip to the doctor's. Um...I've got some news."

I crossed my arms and waited patiently, these are my kids after all and my mate.

"Like Angel said, I'm having twins. A boy and a girl but..." He looked down and bit his lip.

I placed my hands on his shoulders "But what?"

Eren sighed "They found something in my blood that's affecting the twin's growth."

My eyes widened "Eren, what's wrong?"

He looked up "They're growing really really fast, Levi. To the point where I can feel them move. We had sex a month ago but I'm already about to pop any day now."

I held him close and placed my hand on his abdomen, immediately I felt something push against me with a sharp hit. "I just felt a kick."

Eren grabbed onto me while he slowly sank down.

Eren's POV*

While Levi held me, I could remember the doctor's words.

"We ran some more tests and we did find an anomaly."

I sat up in my chair, gripping the seat "What is it?"

The doctor placed their clipboard down and rubbed their eyes. "I don't want to alarm you but we found something in your amniotic fluid, a hormone that isn't supposed to be there."

I was shaking now "Are they okay? It-it hasn't hurt them has it?"

The doctor looked up surprised "No, nonono nothing like that. It has accelerated their growth beyond normal though. We had predicted your due date four months from now since Omegas give birth in five months and you were still at the beginning of your first trimester. But due to this recent appointment, you appear to be in your second trimester close to your third. In fact, you could be due any day now. As a precaution I suggest you stay at the hospital for a few days-"

"No. That won't be necessary." I cut him off.

"I just felt a kick." I heard Levi say before feeling pressure in my abdomen, squeezing my uterus. I started to slide down as the pain steadily increased.

"Eren? What's wrong?"

I looked up at Levi "T-take me home, Levi. Please, I don't want to go to the hospital."

His eyes widened in understanding, he picked me up in his arms and we started walking. I doubled over as the next wave of pain crashed over me. Making Levi run faster.

We made it to my place and Levi set me down so that I could unlock the door. I stumbled in and collapsed on the couch. "I need a basin of warm water, soft towels and warm blankets."

Levi nodded and started running around my townhouse 'Heh, I guess he's not so bad after all.'

My thought was interrupted when the pain kept coming, getting longer and longer. I curled up into a ball and moaned in agony. I started to calm down when I felt someone take my hand and pet my hair, I opened my blurry eyes to see Levi.

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