Chapter 8- misunderstandings

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Time skip*

Eren's POV

After the doctor appointment and making sure everything was fine, I went back to school but still avoided Levi. I felt uncomfortable, every time I saw him my stomach would tighten up and I'd feel sick having to run straight to the bathroom to vomit up whatever was inside.

After my thirtieth trip to the bathroom, and my fifth bottle of mouth wash, I walked out of the boy's bathroom and down the hallway.

"So, you fucked that Jaeger kid? I thought you hated him." A voice said.

I hid behind a corner and silenced my breathing, listening closely.

"Of course I hate him, he's an Omega who thinks he's better than Alphas. But I took him down a few knots, now he's nothing more than an Omega." That was Levi's voice.

"What did you do?" The person asked.

"I happened to find him in the Library, the bitch went into heat and I fucked his ass for two days. Of course the fucker passed out while I was on round two, so I took him to his house and got him a change of clothes. Then when he woke up, we went at it again."

"So what'd you mean he's nothing more than an Omega?"

Levi chuckled "What else happens to Omegas after having unprotected sex during their heat?"

There was a gasp "No, him? You got him-"

I stepped in "Yeah, he did." I walked down the hallway towards them, murder in my eyes and bones. "This creep took advantage of my heat and forced me as his mate. Now I'm stuck with his mistake."

"Oh look, the Omega bitch thinks he's so bi-" I grabbed the student by the neck and slammed them into the wall, making Levi jump a bit.


I slugged him "Don't say a fucking word, not one word." I grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him down so that my knee met his face "You think this is fun huh?! Ruining my life?!" I slammed him again "Using me as a toy?!" Another slam, blood started to trickle from his nose and stain my jeans. Some of it splattered onto my cream colored sweater.

"I. Am. Not. A. Tool. For. You. To. Use!" I threw him on the ground. "Stay the fuck away from me, don't talk to me, don't follow me and don't ever come to my house again." I growled inhumanly before storming off, out of the hallway and off campus. I've had enough of this place.

Levi's POV*

I sat up off the ground and wiped the blood off of me "Dammit, how much did he hear? I didn't expect him to react like that."

Okay, so what happened is this weird kid approached me and asked if I had fucked Eren. The kid had yellow teeth, eyes that were mostly pupil and an outfit that looked like he was trying to be "gangster". In other words he didn't look right and he smelled like an Alpha. A sickly Alpha that was close to his rut. I told him what happened between Eren and I hoping he'd get the picture that the Omega is mine and that the pup is proof of that.

If only Eren hadn't been there, now I've got to fix this mess. That kid has the worse timing I swear.

I took off to Eren's house but stopped when I heard voices.

"Seriously? He, the arse from our school, got you knocked up?" That sounds like the sailor girl. Ruv or something.

"Don't believe me, you can listen." Eren replied then gasped.

"I can hear two heartbeats, no three." a woman's voice said cooly.

"Three?!" That girl and Eren both screeched.

"There's his and two others." The cold woman said.

"Are you saying I have twins, Angel?" Eren asked, sounding panicked while releasing distress pheromones.

"Yes, you have two pups inside."

Eren groaned "Well twins do run in my family, I'm so screwed Rum."

There was a chuckle "The one screwed here is that Alpha."

I decided to make my appearance. "How am I screwed?" I growled, taking in the scene.

A platinum blonde girl was laying on Eren's lap, her ear pressed to his baby bump. She was wearing jean shorts, a sports bra and athletes tape on her hands. Eren was sitting on the ground.

Eren growled "I said to stay away!"

'So this is the blowhard who did this to Eren, why does he look like Mikasa?' The sailor thought, definitely a guy.

'This Alpha's scent is sickening, it's practically enveloping this building. I'm sorry such a person claimed you.' The blonde thought.

I growled possessively at the sailor and blonde. To my surprise, neither moved. "Eren, I think Angel fell asleep." The sailor said, gesturing to the blonde who was now softly snoring. Eren sighed and petted the girl's head. "Working too hard at the Gym again, she's going to get herself killed in the ring."

I smashed my hand against the wall closest to me "Leave!"

They didn't budge, it was starting to piss me off.

The sailor laughed "If you think we're going to leave you alone with Eren, you're mistaken."

I suddenly felt a hand around my throat and noticed that the blonde girl was gone.

"I've been away for a while so I don't know if you've hurt Eren before. But if you do any harm while I'm here." She started to apply pressure, it felt like she was holding back. "I'll remove your head and spine from your body."

Eren's POV*

I sighed and got up with little difficulty "Ease down, Angel. You can kick his ass tomorrow."

Angel backed away but was still in a defensive crouch.

+++++ time skip because I'm lazy :p

Levi's POV*

I was still pissed about yesterday, I was so pissed that I wanted to murder my mate. I slammed the door open to the school, cracking the window in the process.

I growled in frustration "Dammit, Eren."

"Get off! No! Ah!" I heard someone moan in a familiar voice.

I froze and started to follow the voice.

"Stop fighting it, Omega."

I turned a corner and there's an Alpha kissing my mate! Eren   was pinned against the wall with an Alpha's tongue in his mouth and an Alpha's hand up his shirt. "Put your arms around me since you're about to fall."

Eren shook his head, the Alpha put my Omega's arms around his neck.

I stepped in and threw the asshole off my mate "The hell do you think you're doing?!" I grabbed Eren by the front of his black shirt, his cheeks were red with blush and his eyes were half lidded. "Answer me!"

Eren slumped forward, he was trembling. I felt him take in a shuddering breath before he said "It wasn't what it looked like."

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