Chapter 3

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Mikasa dropped us off at school, I scrambled out of the car and raced inside the building to my class. Which was the ever boring history class by Mr. Aurou, at least he doesn't make us do much work except watch videos and take notes while he plays on his phone.

I went to my table which I shared with the pirate, Rum. Our table was like the ones they use in the science lab with a completely vacant table connected to ours. Which is great since we mostly nap through the videos.

I sat down and placed my back pack on the table then leaned my head back. "Hey, Rum can I get a ride home after school?" I looked over to see the sailor snoring with his head on his arms and ring of kiss marks around his neck.

I smirked and opened my back pack, reaching inside then retracting my arm faster than lightning. Blood dripped from my hand and it splattered on the sailor, waking him up with a start. "What the hell?!"


I peered inside my bag, two beady silver blue eyes glared back at me. "You've got to be kidding me, Titan is that you?" The creature meowed in response.

I groaned and leaned my head back "Fran fucking tastic."

A hand placed itself on my shoulder while the chair on my left squeaked as it moved. "What's wrong?"

I didn't turn to look at the speaker and just answered "My asshole kitten stowed away in my bag and now he refuses to get out."

Rum snickered on my right "Awww, is Eren scared of a teeny wittle kitten?"

I glared at him and opened my bag more "Take a look at this 'wittle' kitten."

Rum rolled his eyes and looked in, he blinked "Uh are you sure that's a kitten? It looks like a cat on steroids."

I smirked "According to the papers that came with him, he's eight months old and one hundred twenty pounds of pure muscle."

Rum's jaw dropped "That is one of hell of a baby. But I'm sure he can't be that bad."

I reached inside and yanked out the cat who retaliated by clawing the hell out of my arm making me drop him where he shredded the legs of my jeans and my flesh. "You asshole cat!"

Then he climbed underneath my shirt and took up residence on my bare chest. I gulped "Please, don't make any sudden movements." I begged quietly. But heaven have no mercy on me today.

For the door suddenly slammed open, making the cat dig his dagger like claws into my pectoral muscles and make me freeze.

"Errr, I think I'll take Eren to the infirmary." Rum suggested.


I bolted awake on the couch and glared at the black furred asshole on my waist. "Damn cat! Stay out of my dreams!" I shook him off and surprisingly didn't wake Maria checked the time on my phone "2:30 am" I covered my face with my arm "Since I'm up, I better get started on typing." I carefully moved my furry angel onto a pillow then made my way to my study. I plopped into my chair and started hammering away at my typewriter.

"Why was Levi in my dreams? I can't be thinking about him that much. Right?"

I typed away on my keys, hammering out fifteen pages and not stopping till the book was finished. "I might as well start on another."

"His liquid silver eyes pierced into her soul as he thrusted deeper into her, his raven hair slick with swea-"

I reread what I had just written and tore out the paper, crumbled it into a ball and tossed it. I started typing again.

"He held her suppressants in front of her while her panties became soaked with slick. She reached out and whimpered 'Please, give them back. I need them.'

He twisted his lips into a sadistic sneer and held them in front of her face while they were pinched between his thumb and pointer finger. His stormy silver orbs undressing her with a sadistic pleasure filled glare 'Are you sure you need these, Eren?'"

I tore out the page and started again.

"He grabbed her from behind with his arm around her chest while his other slipped lower into her panties 'Moan for me.' He commanded her while he slipped his first finger in. She bit her lip and stifled a moan in defiance. He slipped another in and began to thrust them in and out. When she still refused to give in, he started to scissor her open which earned him a loud moan from his partner. 'Levi!'"

I ran my fingers through my hair and nearly pulled out a few locks. "Dammit! I can't get this guy out of my mind!"
I gave up on writing and checked the calendar, thank the holy heavens it was Saturday! Which meant I could sleep in!

So, what do you think so far? Nice twist huh?

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