
246 13 2

5 mos. later

Marissa Daniels

"Mama!" I yelled walking into the penthouse.

"She in the shower." Dunk said coming out of his room.

"Dunk!" I yelled hugging him.

"Ugh get off me." He said pushing me off him.

I mushed his head. "You so ugly for an eleven year old you need to hurry up and get your glo up."

"That still ain't stopping the girls."

"Aye na he the real mvp." Lucas said.

"Shutup gimme my baby." I said grabbing Princess out his arms.

She started making noises. "She looks like you and Lucas mixed together." Dunk said.

"Duh we are her parents." Lucas said.

"I meant that in a ugly way. Ma! I going to play basketball." He said leaving out of the house.

My ma came down the hallway. "Hey baby ahh my granddaughter!" She grabbed Princess. Princess started crying.

"Aww baybeh it's your grandma." Lucas said getting her back.

"She'll get use to you sooner or later." I said. "Hey mama." I said giving her a hug. "Where's Maziyah?"

"With her father." She said sitting on the couch. Justin decided to come back in her life eventually he realized.

Lucas sat on beside me with Princess. I gave her the pacifier. My baby was getting big.

"Oh that reminds me I bought something for Princess to wear to the party." My mama got up and went to her bedroom.

Few minutes later she came back with a bag from Tiffany's.

"Oh my god mama." I said taking the bag from her.

It was a small box. I opened it and it was so red ruby shoes with little diamonds on the bottom.

"Awe mama they so cute." I said.

"For real Ms.Nobles they pretty." Lucas said.

"Your welcome I hope they match her dress."

"They do her dress is like a white creamish color with a red belt." I said.

"Oh I'm so ready for tomorrow." My mama said clapping her hands.

I looked at Lucas and Princess who were both on their way to sleep.

"Well ma the plane ride was long so we gon' go in my room and get some sleep." I said.

I picked Princess and up and Lucas got her shoes.

Walking into my room it looked the same except mama redid it changing the color to a burgundy and white instead of pink and white. She repainted my walls dark red and my queen sized bed went up to a king size.

"Aww baybeh you still got the bear." Lucas said picking up the big bear he'd gotten me for Valentine's Day.

"Yeah I kept it." I said taking Princess' bath tub out.

Princess laid on her stomach sucking on her thumb with slob coming out her mouth.

"You ready for a bath?" Lucas said playing with her.

She started screaming and laughing.

I walked into my bathroom and sat the tub in the tub and started running some water in it.

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