Chap. {26}

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Me and Jordan decided to go home and leave destiny with Travis. The ride back home was quiet and calm. Jr and Zaria was both sleep. I can tell they was traumatize seeing their uncle getting shot in front of them.

"I'm sorry"Jordan said while driving.

"When you leaving?" I ask.

"I'm not leaving" he said.

"You should" I said.

"Fine, Ima leave your ass. You gone be broke and missing me"I roll my eyes then sigh. I can hold my own.


Me and Jordan carried the kids inside the house. I put Zaria in the bed and kiss her cheek.

Jordan close Jr bedroom door and walk to the living room. He sat down and turn the TV on.

"Who shot him?" I ask.

"Some gang with bikes" he mumble. The TV lighted up the room also with the sun rising from the ground. Its 3 in the morning, I'm tired and want to go to sleep but I can't.

"A gang?"I thought about the gang who was at the park. Maybe it was them.

Later that day at the park

I was sitting down while reading a magazine. The gang was all by the sways talking. I can hear them talking about shooting someone at a gas station.

I knew it was them.

Then a yellow maclaren pull up to the park causing all people who was jogging to stop. They smile at the car and whisper. Like I'm impress by that. This dude had on a leather jacket and was clean. He got out the car and walk to the gang.

They exchange something and he walk back to his car. The sways wasn't really that far from me so they knew I was there. The man looked at the mirror looking at me. I can tell he was smirking at me. I shiver and got up from my seat.

I grab my bag and walk off to my car. I felt eyes on me so I shook it off, unlocked my car, and hop in. As I was bout to back up, the yellow car pull up behind me. I rolled my eyes hopping out the car.

"Excuse me" I said to the man. He looked at me and smile.

"I'm sorry if I did that but, I wanted to get your name" he said. He was fine up close.

"Uhhh, its Zea" I smile.

"Zea, Zeee- uhhh"

"No, Zay-Uh" I said.

"Oh, okay that's nice" he smile at me. "You know I'm having a party tonight, you down"

I thought about my kids and do I want Jordan watching them? Oh hell no.

"I'm sorry" I said. "I have kids back at home and I don't want my ex watching them"

He nod his head. "Okay, it was nice meeting you" he smile then walk back to his super exotic car.

I sigh and got in the car then drove off.

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