Chapter One : Living In My World

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            I found myself lying in my bed, staring up at the ceiling at 3 a.m. Listening to the sounds of the night. Just darkness. And silence. I find that even in daylight, the loud noises of the city are filled with silence. I don’t understand how people just go on thinking the world is such a wonderful place. It’s beautiful, yes. But I don’t know… It’s like half our world is suffering. Suffering from hearts torn from their chests, and dreams crumbled in the hands of their creators. The world has it’s own beat, steady and comforting. But it’s the rhythm of heartbreak.


           I jolted awake by the horrible screeching of my little brother. Yes, little brothers. Aren’t they a joy? “GET OUT OF MY ROOM!” I hollered. I can’t stand people in my room, not even my own mother. I feel like it’s just a place for me. A place where I can hide all my tears and feelings, where no one else can see them. I’m that type of person who holds everything in. I don’t let people see me cry, I don’t show my feelings, and I definitely don’t share them. I just hold them in my heart until I explode like a raging volcano.  And when I do erupt, I don’t let anyone get one glimpse.

         Good thing it was a Saturday. No school. I don’t like school; I’m failing in almost all classes except for art. Art is the only way I let my feelings out. I just throw myself onto the page and let it become a window of my imagination. My parents gave up on me. They tried so hard to get me to take school seriously, but I’m absolutely hopeless. They thought it was my self-esteem, so they took me to a shrink. Boy, was that the most agonizing 7 minutes of my life (I ran out of that office, and never dared to show my face there again).

         And I don’t have problems with self-esteem. I’m perfectly fine with the way I am. I may not be comfortable with everything but, I got what I got and I’m grateful. It’s not like you hear that often. So many girls I know now-a-days are all “I’m so fat, I need to loose 10 pounds” when really, if they lost that ten pounds they would be in the hospital eating pudding cups and bread for their entire lives.

         I got out of bed and walked to the back patio door, it was raining. Just how I liked it. I slid open the door and took a bare footed step onto the cold, wet grass. And I just laid there, me, myself, and my thoughts-

        I guess I can give up; I’ll never be appreciated in that hellhole called school. All they care about is popularity and looks, and stuff.

       I was considered the “social nobody” since I always walk around the halls with my head down, and I'm so content with myself. I guess I’m too scared to let my guard down and step out into the real world, so I just stay trapped in my own. I’m not one of the greatest looking girls either. I have long, curly red, copper hair, and emerald green eyes.

      My world will ever be the same now; to many people have tried to hurt it. All those painful words they threw at me. I'm not good enough for them.

       I shook as the cold drops of the sky’s tears fell on my face. I smiled, for the rain. I always do, water is a miracle. Well, for me anyways.

       I jolted up to the sound of my mother’s irritated voice. She hates it when I do this, but hey, everyone has their hobbies.

      “Lorelei, get in here. You are going to ruin your clothes, get inside.”

       Yes mothers, always there to keep you on your feet, but highly annoying in the process. She simply shut the door as I heard her storm up the stairs. I got up and slowly walked toward the door …

Rhythm of a Heartbreak [SLOW UPDATE DUE TO SCHOOL]Where stories live. Discover now