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"School trip guide book; page 1043, 'What to do when a group member has been abducted,' if there are no leads on the perpetrators, think back to any colloquialism, accents or linguistic quirks that might indicate whether said perpetrators are local. If so and the perpetrators were wearing school uniform refer to page 1334.." He paused to flip the page, "Here we are, if perpetrators are in school uniform, you might be dealing with a rival school causing trouble."

Akabane-kun smiled at the high schoolers whose mouths had been slowly falling open the entire time that Nagisa had been reading the huge book, Sugino looked tense though his eyes were still hard with conviction and Manami was fidgeting, staying close beside the baseballer with a grim look upon her face.

"Being familiar with the area, the culprits will look to stay within a narrow perimeter after the initial kidnapping - somewhere secluded but not far from the scene of the crime - if this is the case, refer to page 134.." Flipping straight to the start of the book, Nagisa turned a couple pages and stopped to turn the book around, "A map of popular and/or likely hideouts for the culprits."

To you, it was too far to see the contents of the book but it made the thugs exasperate as some pulled their hair in disbelief and others yell out in frustration, "YOU GOT ALL THAT FROM A GUIDE BOOK?!"

You could already tell that it wasn't a normal guide book, it had to have been made just for them - and perhaps yourself too. But you knew immediately it was made by-, "Actually it was given to us by our teacher; Koro-sensei."

It was confounding, these people were right there in front of you - you could go out there and help them. You could go out and untie both of the girls that you now noticed was Kayano and Kanzaki from your class. You could saunter out and scare that guy who had knocked you over - he was only a couple of feet away and you could feel your skin crawling with a need to beat some respect into him. You could make yourself known and go back with them, you could go back with them to their hotel and have a family reunion of some sorts.

You could, but you didn't. Your body wouldn't move with your mind along with your muscles that ceased in place hunched in the musty corner of the building filled with a god-awful stench that could only be because of these stupid teenagers who thought that E-class was looking down on them. They were gobsmacked though the ringleader was angered. He didn't want to be threatened by these students but he couldn't deny that he was. He still kept his composure for appearances but then the red-haired boy spoke and his voice was low and only a tiny bit hoarse, "What is gonna be, gentlemen? fight or flight? We'll go easy if you back down now but after all you put us through.. You're not getting out unscathed, that's a promise."

It was when Akabane-kun looked up again after having stepped over the insentient body at his feet. His knuckles were red with small cuts, doted with minuscule amounts of blood. He didn't care about it though because he just smiled. But it wasn't a smile, it was a malicious curve of his lips, a sneer directed at his opponents that had hurt his classmates. He was getting revenge whether they liked it or not and that went for his own classmates or the thugs that kidnapped the two girls from his class. There was a shadow cast over his eyes as his red hair had fallen over his forehead though with no effort, it was exceptionally attractive.

His golden eyes glowed as well. They were shining with a mix of mercury and a breath got caught in your throat. Akabane-kun appeared to be dangerous, like he enjoyed violence and had no qualms about who was involved. You weren't exactly sure why he was present with your classmates but it excited you. It made goosebumps appear on your arms and chills run down your spine. The air surrounding you felt hot, your mind was buzzing with thoughts but still without having made a move to either escape or reveal yourself, a gust of wind blew dust into the high schoolers' eyes and they gasped, stepping backwards with a vicious growl.

You knew what that wind was, it wasn't a normal wind nor a normal person - it was a science experiment gone wrong. Koro appeared behind Karma after having knocked out the male with a knife in his hand. He was wearing a veil; for some lame reason most likely, and you knew that was your ticket to go. You weren't sure why you had even contemplated helping your classmates when you were so weak. The movement of turning your hips to head out the way you came in made you aware of the extent of the agony that your body was in. It felt a little disappointing to have betrayed your own body because you knew that once you rested then you would be fine and back to yourself - you just needed painkillers and rest but that wasn't a luxury you could afford with your mind thriving on a million thoughts every minute.

The thought of making your presence known at this moment wasn't enough to satisfy because you were admittedly petty. It wasn't something you'd deny because it was true, you wanted to make sure your arrival back to your class was something along the lines of flamboyant and absurd.
Gritting your teeth, you had bent down to crawl out of the hole and breathed in the fresh air as the sun was just about ready to depart below the horizon. The duffle bag stayed by your side on the street after you had left it against the wall of the building. You knew of Koro-sensei's superhuman senses and he'd surely be able to smell or hear you from a mile away for sure - you had to run or cover yourself in something but you didn't expect it to be tentacles that instantly wrapped themselves around you.

Koro-sensei followed beside his students; Kayano, Kanzaki, Karma, Nagisa, Sugino and Manami when he caught a slight whiff of a scent that he had been missing more and more with each passing day. He found himself hoping to smell that scent before class started but he had no luck for over a month. He wanted his class to be happy again, he wanted to be the first to greet you with a smile though he already knew he'd start crying. He wanted to apologise and make up for what he'd done. He smelled that scent and with this hope that was beyond what he could handle - he knew that it was only a pigment of his imagination released from his brain to keep himself alert and full of faith and hence he let it be before reminding himself to visit you when they got back to Tokyo.

And so, Koro-sensei walked away; thirty meters, thirty-five and then fifty meters further, increasing the distance between the two of you to go back to his hotel with his beloved students as he let the one he needed to care for the most, get abducted by a man in white with a teen of light blue-tinted, white hair.


Hope you enjoy! xox 

Entrancingly Insentient | 魅惑的ではない | Karma AkabaneWhere stories live. Discover now