| fifteen |

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Karma hated how the words he heard from Nakamura kept repeating in his mind. He despised Seiji Hagiwara even though he didn't know him and he felt so troubled inside. Karma was restless and itching to get rid of this constant nagging feeling within him. After following Nakamura up the mountain to his class, he was seated while flipping his anti-koro knife through his fingers with precision and skill.

The class was half full and students would walk in every few minutes to prepare for the first period. He placed the knife in front of him after a few seconds and opened his blazer a little to whip out a small plastic box of tic tacs that he had found when he was snooping around his teachers desk.

He flipped open the lid to hold two mints in his hold just as the door slid open; Nagisa walking in first with Terasaka, Muramatsu and Yoshida coming in with their shoulders slumped over, all heading towards the back to Terasaka's desk before Koro- sensei would arrive.

Hearing the sound of a tic tac box, all four boys looked at the source to find Karma throwing them in the air and catching them in his mouth. Muramatsu was the first to move after Karma caught them and cracked a nervous smile, "Wow, what do Karma and (Y/N) not have in common?"

Nagisa looked at the blonde and cringed a little, agreeing in his mind and walked to his desk where he saw Nakamura and Kayano also watching, Manami as well, "H-hey guys."

Karma narrowed his eyes at his peers, rolling his tongue around the mint when Terasaka huffed, shoving Muramatsu with his shoulder before walking forward to drop his bag and plant himself at his desk, "Shut up man."

"What does that mean?"

Karma couldn't help but ask, Yoshida watched the way Karma's eyes were still narrowed when Nagisa also noticed the way Nakamura stared at Karma and the box in his hand, "Those are tic tacs, right?"

"Yeah? Got them from our precious sensei's desk."

He turned to Nakamura as he answered when the blonde had stood to sit on top of her desk, "Can I have one?"

Nagisa was amazed at what he was seeing when Karma shook the box to open it and got two candies, handing them to Nakamura when she sighed and placed them in her mouth, the students going deathly quiet when Rio ate them silently, "What was that about me and (Y/N), huh~?"

Karma smirked at Muramatsu as he sweatdropped at the look of the red devil watching him, visualising the way (Y/N) would stare when she got mad or in that teasing mood that could be dangerous.

"Nothing man, d-don't worry about it."

"Idiot! Why're you stuttering?!" Terasaka growled, making Muramatsu flinch before he chuckled awkwardly and nudged the buff teen beside him, "Oh come on guys~ You can't leave the new student out~!" Karma sang as he stared.

Terasaka furrowed his brows and nodded towards the blonde girl, "I bet Nakamura could enlighten you."

Karma laughed a little and turned to see Nakamura watching with little to no expression as her eyes were still narrowed and hard, "Watch what you say, Terasaka."

Karma's smirk faltered when Nakamura raised her voice and held her arms crossed on her chest. Her long blonde hair was swept back as her brows were furrowed on her forehead, biting her lips as if remembering something she didn't want to.


"(Y/N) what are you doing..?"

The (H/C)-haired girl smiled widely and popped the top of the pills bottle off as the contents shook as the hand holding them was shaking wildly. Nakamura watched, a little nervous for her friend as the orange container was half empty and almost smacked her best fiends hand when she noticed (Y/N) taking a whole hand-full.

Entrancingly Insentient | 魅惑的ではない | Karma AkabaneWhere stories live. Discover now