Introducing the Girl

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"Thanks for bailing us out the other night." The president of the Naga Student Union greeted Cosmo, Kachui, Pemi and their other suite mate, Theodore. "And messing those guys up in the process."

"They had it coming." Pemi laughed.

"Maybe so, but you guys are still the ones who gave it to them. As a sign of gratitude, I've got someone I want you to meet." The student president nodded toward a nearby grove of trees, visible by the light of a full moon.

The Naga mixer had been staged in a small park a hundred meters from the cricket field hosting the main Diwali Festivities. Still, the rumbling music made it difficult to pick up every word of a conversation. Currently an Indian band was covering Shot Through the Heart by Bon Jovi.

"He's not a revolutionary, is he?" Cosmo asked.

"She is my cousin-a second year from Guwahati."


The student president shrugged. "I've got an uncle who works there."

Pemi jabbed the student president in the shoulder. "Is he a revolutionary?"

"Definitely not." The student president winked at Pemi. "But my cousin has a girlfriend who might be."

"Well," Pemi smiled, "in that case."

Cosmo looked to Kachui.

Kachui nodded. "I think I see Achon over by the drinks. I'll catch up with you two later."

Cosmo leaned close to Pemi's ear. "The revolutionary's yours."

"Perfect." Pemi grinned.

Cosmo bowed slightly to his host. "Lead the way."

"Wonderful. She's been dying to meet you."

"Sonya." The girl bowed, offering her name and hand simultaneously.

Cosmo took it lightly then sat on the ground next to Sonya and her friends. A string of Chinese lanterns led the way through a grove of trees to a more removed section of the park.

"Well, I've got other guests to greet." The student president bowed. "I'm glad I had a chance to thank you in person for the other night." He winked at his cousin. "Don't stay out too late."

After the president left, Pemi cleared his throat.

"Oh, forgive me." Cosmo continued the introductions. "Sonya, this is my roommate and partner in crime, Pemi."

"Honor to meet you, Sonya." Pemi bowed toward Sonya while glancing sideways at the gorgeous, pouty-lipped girl seated next to her.

Sonya picked up the not so subtle hint. "Pemi, Cosmo, this is my girlfriend, Nina. Not much to look at I'm afraid, but-"

Nina elbowed Sonya viciously.

Sonya rubbed her arm while continuing to smile. "Please, join us."

"Again, I'd be honored." Pemi beamed. "But first, should I get us some drinks?"

Cosmo rolled his eyes.

The girls nodded.

"Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back." Pemi chose a ridiculous impersonation of a British nobleman for his exit. The dance of light and shadow cast on his white dress pants from the lanterns lining the path animated the swagger even further.

The girls snickered.

Cosmo never doubted Pemi when it came to girls or drink or cards. In all three cases, Pemi always knew what he was doing.

"So, Cosmo, my cousin tells me you're into martial arts." Sonya leaned into him.

Cosmo smiled and looked up at the moon through the opening in the trees. Perhaps his friends had been right. Taking a small break from his studies would invigorate him for better efficiency the coming day. "You could say that."

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