The 100th Poem Published on ChristArt, Inc., USA!

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The 100th Poem Published on ChristArt, Inc., USA!



All Honour and Glory to God in the highest!

The poem entitled Facing the heat written yesterday, 6/5/2017 is published today!

This makes it a total of 100 poems published on    since September 2016, 8 months ago. 

I have allowed the poems to be used within Christian ministries for any non-profit purpose without requesting permission from me.

This is the poem:

Facing the Heat


I am not in fear
As my time has not yet come
For the Lord is holding the steer
And determines what I become

I am facing the heat
For I have taken the step
To go out and preach
The good news to those in debt

Never mind what the cost
I must seek out the lost
For the Lord Jesus loves them
And I must bring all to Him

Nothing can take me down
For the Lord is on His Throne
He is crowned with many crowns
And I fully trust in Him alone

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