David and Goliath

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David and Goliath


Once upon a time
There was a ruddy little boy
Who at an appointed time
Had to grow up from being a boy

One day he came across
A giant who was cross
He kept on shouting
Words that were degrading

The army up against him
Greatly feared him
No one would challenge him
Nor even go near him

But the little shepherd
Stood up against the giant
With his sling and rod
He went to take down the giant

The little shepherd
Ran to sling a stone at the giant
And in the Name of the Lord
David defeated the giant

The giant immediately fell
With just one sling shot to the head
And David used the giant's sword
To cut off his head

The victory was won
Not with an army but just one
For the battle was won by the Lord
When David placed his trust in God

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