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When I awoke the next morning I groaned and got up. My bruises were sore, I had a killer headache and I felt like death warmed up. I picked upmy phone and grinned when I saw a message from Ty.

'Last night was amazing... :)  I'll come over at about 12. Ty'

 I glanced at the clock. It was half 11. I grabbed a shower and got ready just in time for the doorbell. I went and answered the door. I was home alone today. My step-dad had taken my brothers to the football and my mum was at her friends.

I couldn't help but blush as I looked at him and remembered last night. I can't believe I was so daring with him.

"Hey angel"


"You ready to go?"

I nodded and picked up my bag.

"So where are we going?"

"You'll see" His voice had that teasing quality to it. It was sexy. We walked to his house where Jeff and Leticia were waiting in the car. We got in the car.

We exchanged hello's and Jeff started the car. His car was gorgeous. A shiny black BMW.

We drove for what seemed like an hour. Jeff and Leticia were so sool, they were talking and teasing each other, BBC 1extra playing in the background. They knew all the words to the cool songs. I wish my parents were like this. I felt at peace, like a normal person. I sighed in contentment and Ty smiled at me and placed his hand over mine. I returned his smile and relaxed watching the scenery.

"So Robin, How was the party last night?" Leticia asked.

I felt a blush rise. "Yeah it was great."

I just caught the wink Jeff sent to Ty and my blush deepened,obviously they had the wrong idea. They probably thought we were together. What exactly were we? Friends, a couple.... I had no idea but we needed to clear this up for my peace of mind.

The car parked and I realised where we were. Blackpool. England's answer to Las Vegas, only tacky as hell.

We piled out of the car.

"Right, meet us back here at 10, okay?"

Wait, What! They were letting us go alone. That was trust! Just the two of us? A whole night in Blackpool? Hell yeah!

Jeff handed Ty a bundle of money as we agreed to meet them later. They headed off and I was still staring in amazement.

"What do you want to do first, Angel?"

"Well, I'm kinda hungry?"

Ty grinned. "Fish and chips?"

I nodded vigourously.

He took my hand and we started walking, both grinning like idiots. I felt like the luckiest person in the world.

We ate lunch and then hit the arcades. Laughing and teasing each other we stayed in the arcades for a few hours.

"C'mon its time to go" Ty said.

I pouted, it was only 9:30pm. I did't want this day to end.

"Do we have to?" I whined.

"Yes, I have another suprise for you" he grinned. I moved towards him quickly and we left.

We walked for a while, in the opposite direction of the car. I wondered where we were going but I didn't ask. I didn't want to ruin the suprise.

We stopped at a corner and I saw the horse and carriages. We walked over to them and Ty told the man where we wanted to go and paid him. I squealed and got into the carriage. There were some magazines and a blanket. Ty wrapped us up in the blanket and I snuggled into him.

"Best suprise ever" I whispered.

He kissed the top of my head and I watched the hustle and bustle of the streets. I could feel him looking at me. I looked up at him and smiled. He leaned his head towards mine, at an angle and our lips met. His lips were warm and soft. It was my first real kiss and it was amazing. I wanted more, I wanted it to last forever. I moved my body closer to his and pressed closer to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. His arms moved around my waist, holding me tightly.

The moment was ruined when we heard the driver clear his throat. I blushed and Ty looked up. I realised the carriage had stopped next to his dads car and everybody had been watching us make out. I groaned and blushed hiding my head. We got out of the carriage and Ty thanked the driver.

I kept my head mostly hidden as I got into the car. Leticia gave me a conspiratory smile. I gave an embarrassed grin in reply.

Ty got in next to me and I smiled at him. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me over to him. I rested my head on his shoulder and cleared my throat.

"Thank you for a lovely day." It wasn't just aimed at Ty. It was aimed at them all. I had just had the best day of my entire life and they had all made it possible.

I relaxed and started to drift to sleep, concious only of Ty stroking my hair.

I was almost asleep when Jeff asked "Is she asleep?"

"Yes" Ty murmured.

"I think you found a keeper son, she's an amazing girl"

"I know dad"

"Make sure you look after her. She's a once a lifetime kind of person." Leticia said.

"I will." I felt him brush a kiss on my forehead.

My eyes started to water. That is the nicest thing anybody has ever said about me, even if i wasn't supposed to hear it. All my other problems felt so far away, this was pure happiness.  

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