8 death gotta be easy cos life is hard...

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Robins pov

We got to Ty's house and he let himself in. I followed him, pretty nervous. I don't like meeting new people. We got in and it was sleek and modern with a huge TV and massive white corner couch, the room was cream and gold. If they could afford all this why did they live in a council estate?

There were 2 of the cutest little kids I have ever seen asleep on the couch. A girl and a boy, both half cast with dark hair in little cartoon pyjamas.

I followed him through the living room and into the kitchen where a woman was making coffee. She was tiny,slim, blonde and stunning. Absolutely stunning actually. She only looked about 20. Was she his sister, the babysitter, a friend? Then I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Eventually a man walked through the door. He was gorgeous. Definitely a relation of Ty's. He looked just like Ty but older and more rough around the edges. Damn these were good genes.

I looked over at Ty and he seemed to be gauging my reaction to this new man. Maybe he was hoping I wouldn't fancy him?

"Hey Ty" the man said. Even his voice was sexy. Deep and gravelly.

"Hey Dad. This is Robin. Robin this is my dad, Jeff and his girlfriend Leticia."

Wait, what! Girlfriend? She was about 20 years younger than Jeff. She could definitely be a model. Who had a step-mum that looked like that? Ty apparently.

"Guys this is Robin. We go to school together."

I caught myself in time and smiled. Didn't want to make a bad impression.

"So are you two an item or just playin' the field?" Jeff said.

My eyes widened in shock and i blushed. Talk about blunt. Jeff looked pleased that I was easily embarrassed.

"Dad" Ty warned. "Were just friends. She's just been showing me around."

I was a little disappointed but what did I expect really. For him to declare his crush on me in his kitchen in front of his parents? No. Very unlikely.

I wondered what his family situation was. Was she his mum? I didn't think so, in that case where was his mum? I suppose I was in no position to pry, it wasn't as if I was an open book.

Leticia put a cup's of coffee down in front of Jeff and Ty.

"Do you want a brew Robin?" She said.

"No thank you, I'm fine" I replied. These people made me nervous. Like self-concious nervous. I didnt know couple this good looking even existed outside of heat magazine.

"Ok hun. Ty, Jeff will you carry the kids up to bed?"

Ty looked at me, obviously apologetic to have to leave me on my own, then he stood up and left. i guess that he knew better than to argue.

"So Robin, do you live around here?" Leticia asked.

"Yeah, I live just around the corner."

"Oh right. But you go to Lovell high? That's a long way"

"I know. My mum let me pick my own school. I wanted to go to school with the posh kids."

She smiled at me.

"We put Ty in there because of the reputation. Its supposed to straighten kids out. He's always been a bit of a trouble causer. His mum just didn't know how to control him I guess."

What do you say to that? I have a feeling Ty wouldn't like anyone talking about his mum that way and I hadn't seen any signs of him being a trouble causer. I wonder if I should ask him about it but decided against it. It was none of my business. It seemed like maybe she was trying to warn me off, but why? For my own sake, hers or Ty's?

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