a date or not?

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Robins pov

I waited quietly until my step-dad left for work. I heard the door open and close and let out the breath I had been subconsciously holding. I looked at the time 5 past 5. I had just enough time to get ready. I ran downstairs and put my clothes in the dryer. Thankfully my mum was passed out on the couch. I helped her up to bed and got in the shower. I dried my hair covering as much of the cuts with my bangs as I could and then applied make up. There was no way I could make it non visible so I settled for making it look less red.

I went downstairs and got dressed, moved the empty vodka bottle and put on toy story for the brats. Dillon was 10 and Max was 8.

"See you soon guys and be good" I blew them a kiss on the way out and as is custom of boys they screwed their faces up and looked utterly disgusted. I giggled and Max ran over pointing at my forehead.

"Naughty Robin" he said matter of factly. I sighed and walked outside savouring the taste of fresh air and freedom. They didn't understand yet. I dread the day I have to explain it to them, that's Ok though so long as they don't have to go through it. My head was pounding and to distract myself I started to think about where I was going. It didn't help, the pounding in my head got worse and my heart joined in. I was so nervous.

I rounded the corner to the field and couldn't see him. I walked to the other side thinking about what I would do if this was a joke. What if's started to pour around my head. What if he was watching to see if I turned up to take the piss out of me? What if it was really awkward? What if he didn't like me? What if he met my mum?

I jumped and barely missed screaming as someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see Ty grinning at me.

"Hey Rob"

"Nobody calls me Rob it makes me sound like a guy" I scrunched my face up in disgust.

He laughed. "I think ill do it more often. You look like a cute rabbit with your nose scrunched up like that"

My heart jumped. Did he really think I was cute?

"So Rob. Where's your house?"

"Come on. I'll show you"

We got there and I led him to my room.

"Never thought of you as this forward" he laughed.

I couldn't help but laugh too. I put the stereo on and we sat dissecting lyrics and laughing. His stomach grumbled and I looked at the clock- 8 o'clock. Where did all that time go?

"I guess I better feed you huh?" I said.

He had the courtesy to blush before he said "Depends on what your making chef?"

I thought about it. "I'm not making anything. I'm sure you can order whatever you like though."

He grinned and said "Pizza!!" How could I refuse him anything with a grin that sexy?

"Ok I can go with that" I went and got the menu. We ordered and I got Dillon and Max some pizza too and we went downstairs and sat with them while we waited. There were no awkward gaps in conversation. Nor were there any topics that came up that I didn't want to discuss. It was strange for me being able to just talk openly. I would catch myself staring at him every now and again.

Our tea arrived and he just went to the door and paid without any hesitation. We started to eat and then the dreaded question came. "Where are your parents?"

I paled. "They have gone out for the night."

"Oh right. Hey what happened to your forehead?"

Why ask those 2 questions so close together. Was he suspicious or just curious?

"I fell running up the stairs when I got in from school."

"Does that mean you were excited to see me" he gave a cocky smile "or just clumsy."

"Maybe a little of both. I thought we might get on. And its hard to find people that get the music I like."

He smiles and it stopped every process in my body. It was even more gorgeous up close. His hand reached out and moved to my forehead.

"It looks sore." He had a strange tone to his voice like the teachers at school. Pity. Normally I would get angry when people pitied me but the feel of his cool hand on my skin had me about to hyper ventilate. My face was tingling and there were shock waves bouncing around my body.

He moved his hand and I felt empty. Did he feel it too? His face was a mask. I couldn't read anything there. I quickly removed any expressions from my face. If he is giving nothing away then neither am I!

I sent Dillon and Max to bed and put the tv on. He moved next to me too see it better. Our legs were almost touching and all I could think about was that if I moved my pinkie finger a few inches we would be touching hands. Every muscle in my body was on alert for being touched but nothing came.

After watching The Real Hustle (we even liked the same TV shows) he stood up.

"I better get home. We've got school tomorrow"

It was 11. I walked him to the door and we said our goodbyes.

"Ill see you tomorrow in school. Have you got a phone?"

I said yes and gave him my number. After he was gone I locked the door and went to bed. There was a text on my phone.

'Had loads of fun tonight. Hope you will have me over again or you can come to mine tomorrow if you want x'

I slept better than ever that night. In fact im sure that I was even smiling in my sleep.

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