Flight Alyssa

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I couldn't get over that tape. My dad never lost faith in me or Spencer. He knew we were going places. I didn't get much sleep that night. 2 1/2 hours to be exact. Were going to Sochi today. I was living the dream. I decided to dress myself first today, putting a lazy outfit together. Skinny grey sweat pants, and a plane blue long sleeve shirt. I threw on my PureAlexander American flag sweat shirt, and matching blue hiker like boots. I never forget my necklace.

I packed all my things up last night, so all I had was my carry on's. It was my brand backpack, that looked like a PINK backpack, just with darker color's. Navy blue, with white thin stripes.

I packed my laptop,headphones, my Californiacation, Marshal Mathers LP2, Channel Orange, and Midnight Memories CD's. That right. I still buy CD's. I also grabbed my movies: The Avengers, The Dark night Trilogy, Despicable Me2, Return To Neverland, and The Great Gatsby(2013). Other things went in there too. Like my feminine products, and iPad. I was a bit nervous. I had the night flight.

8:56 PM.

I took my belonging to the lobby, and put it with the other athlete's things. They all get taken at the same time to make sure they all get on the right flight.

Mine was American-Flight: 39. I hope I have the same flight as someone else I know. Danica's going, just not with us. A week later, when the games actually start. I walked out the hotel, and climbed into one of the many waiting cabs. It pulled off, knowing where we were going. I checked twitter, and saw a million tweets. "Off to Sochi!!" One of the flights already left! Now I was really nervous, because Meryl was in one of the first flight pictures.

We finally got to our destination, as I didn't have to pay the driver. I climbed out to bright flashes. "Felix! Do you think your ready to be on the American team?!" "How did it feel to get rejected my Australia?!" "Is it true your dating Shaun White?!" Gosh they were annoying. I didn't answer any questions. I walked in the doors, and there were only a few people there. All wearing red, white, and blue. I recognized some of the people, but I didn't know them. I spotted Danica, and walked over to her. She saw me approaching, and met me in the middle. "You ready Blue?" she asked and I nodded. "Why did you just call me Blue?" She giggled. "Michigan University, there colors are Maze and Blue." Got it. "Soo..when do we board?" I asked since Danica seems to know everything. "Now actually. I think your the last one to board." She informed. "Lucky me." She smiled. "Come on. You might not get the window seat, but I bet you'll meet new people. Everyone's talking about your dad." my expression didn't change. "I'm going to find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow today." She caught my sarcasm. "Have you seen Shaun? Has he boarded?" I asked as she shook her head. "I'm pretty sure I heard he's on flight 407." That was the first group. I sighed. "Look at it like a trust exercise. You'll be apart for lord knows how long, without any communication." I gave her the look "wow. Thanks Danica." sarcasm once again. "I'm sorry Felix." She said bringing me into a hug. "You'll see him when you get to Sochi. Then you can run into his arms, and have a welcoming, and passionate kiss." I rolled my eyes.

"Last but not least...Felix Michigan" a man with a clipboard said, getting my attention. "See you in a week!" Danica yelled as I walked through the tunnel leading to the plane. The plane was packed, with only one seat left. I walked to the back row, and sat with a sigh. "I thought you were on the first flight!" I smiled. "I thought you were in the first flight." We both laughed. "Well. This is going to be fun." He said planting a kiss in my cheek.

We've been in the air for a good 5 hours before I whipped out my laptop. "Which one?" I asked Shaun pulling out my movie collection. His eyes lit up, as he took one out of my hand. "Your kidding." I said as he shook his head. "Best children's movie ever created." He was dead serious. I plugged in our beats and opened the DVD player. I put in Return to Neverland, and let my computer do it's magic. I ended up falling asleep, while Shaun was wide wake the whole time. I woke up to him clapping. It wasn't loud, I'm just a light sleeper. "That was amazing. 11 out of 10." He's such a looser. "Sleeping beauty decided to wake up." I smiled. "No. I decided to go to sleep." I corrected. He looked around the plane. "Were seriously the only one's awake." He said in a low voice. "Yea. and I'm pretty sure you pulled an all nighter plus." I informed sitting up in my chair. He gave me a frightened look. "Who do you know when I went to sleep last night?" I rolled my eyes. "Because I heard you playing flappy bird at one in the morning." I told. He gave me a goofy grin. "You were up at one?" he asked. "Got home at midnight, slept till 2."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2014 ⏰

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