3 AM

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I woke up the next morning feeling....unnatural. My stomach shifted, as I ran to the bathroom. I nealed infront of the toilet, with my head in it. A short moment later, I felt a hand holding my hair back. "Seriously, its 3 in the morning." I chuckled, as I finally stopped blowing chunks. "Im sorry. I didnt mean to wake you up." She smiled. "I think you woke up the whole floor." There was a knock in the door as Danica went to answer it. I heard mumbles as the door closed. I slowly got up, brushed my teeth,and made my way to the kitchen. Shaun and Danica were sitting at the bar. They both turned around as I arrived. "Hey, you really did wake up the whole floor." I slightly smiled. "Wow. Dont I feel special." I said taking a seat next to Shaun. "I feel like crap." I lay my head down on the bar. "At least you dont look like crap." Shaun told me, making my day. I didnt think anything of it;he didn't either, but Danica did. "You two are adorable." Our heads both snapped over to her. "What was that?" We both said, know damn well what she said. She jumped out her chair and pointed at us. "YOU SEE!!" I actally had seen. We looked at each other with slightly pale faces. Like yea, were attacted to each other, but im not going to tell anyone though.

I held my stomach. Not in sickness, but starvation. "Is anyone else extremly hungry?" I asked and they both nodded. There was a knock on the door, and I answered it in question. Who else could be at the door at 3:15 in the morning?" I opened it, and there Jose stood, with his hands on his hips. "Shaun's here isnt he." He told in his spanish accent. "I looked back and found Shaun. He had a slightly frightened expression on his face. I turned back around, and smiled. "I havent seen em." He apparently didnt buy it. "Honey I heard him. Im comin in." He pushed me aside and walked with purpose into the livingroom/ kitchen area. "How dare you lie to me Felix..." He search for my last name. "Michigan." I helped, with a chuckle. "Felix Michigan!" I gave "the look" to Danica and she replied the same. "Hey Jose. I didnt know you were...awake." Shaun tried to cooly lie his way out. "I never went to sleep! I was in the kitchen waiting for intruders! You know i dont want you to get hurt Shauny." Me and Danica burst out in laughs, as Shaun got up from his stool. "This isnt FUNNY Danica. You know, this is the same behavior that got you fired in the first place." She immediatly stopped here giggles and got dead seriouse. "You know I quit JOSE!!! You dumb ass litte prick. Im doing to beat the shit out of you....." She trailed of as she pounced on his little monkey ass. Shaun and I quickly pulled her off, as Jose lay there in shock. "Its's too damn early for all this." I told still holding onto Danica. Danica finally calmed down, and took her seat back.

There was another knock on the door, as i sighed. "Who the hell is that!" I yelled annoyed by the days beginning. I opened the door anerly. "Miss.Michigan. Im sorry to bother you." It was just one of the hotel employees. "Its just... weve receved an enourmouse amount of noise complates-" I cut in. "Im sorry. Its been a rough morning." I told with a slight smile. "Ill keep quite from now on." He nodded, and turned away from the door, as I closed it. I walked back into the living/kitchen area, with my hands on my hips. I wasnt exactly angry, more irratated. All 3 of them just stared at me. "You guys got me in trouble." I told. "Well maybe if Danica-" Jose started, as my face turned tomato red. "Alright! I get it! You two dont like eachother! So can you stop all the yelling! I have a major head ache, and want to go back to sleep." I swiftly turned around. Tears were on the brink of spilling, as the arugment reminded me of my mother. She used to fight with herself like this. Telling her other half it was her fault for my father's death. When it really wasnt. There's nothing she could have done. I quickly walked to my room, and slammed the door. I crawled into bed and sobbed, silently. A moment laster, there was a knock on my door. "Go away." I said weakly, but the door opened anyways. "I told you to go away." I said just as soft. "Felix."

Oh no!! It was Shaun. Thats the whole reason I turned around so quick. I didnt want him to see me like this. I slightly lifted the cover off my puffy red face. He closed the door behind him, and crawled in my bed. "You dont need to see me like this." I sniffled, but apparently he didnt care. He layed on his back, and put an arm around me. I lay my head on his chest, as the steady sound of his breathing calmed me down. "Hey Shaun?" I said my voice still soft. "Yea."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Something's bothering you. You need someone to talk to." He replied without hesistation. We lay there in silence for 30 minutes untill I spoke. "Your right." I sat up and turned to face him. "Its been ten years, and ive never talked about it." Shaun sat up now too. "Ten years since...what?" He asked. I couldnt see his face, but I could feel his consern. I sighed. "My dad..he ah...died." He crossed his legs, and leaned forward. "That must feel horrible." He said. "On my tenth birthday." I added as he just sat there. I think I scared him. Oh God I scared Shaun White. "Shaun?" I reach over to shake him, but got pulled into a lenthy emmbrace. I was surprised. Im not really used to this possitive affection yet. Tears escaped my eyes again as I pulled away, wiping my tears gone. Shaun put his hands on mine, and pulled them away from my face. "Hey... Dont hide it." He said as I saw his pearly whites from the single ray of moon light that sone through the curtains. "Will you feel better telling me what happened?" I nodded, and took a deep breath. "Well. My parents threw a huge surprise party for my big one O. And ah, my dad, was on the phone with my mom, on the way to my party. He was running late, and wanted to be there from the surprise." My voice wasnt shaky anymore, but water wouldnt stop flowing from my eyes. "There was this simi, that ran the light. He died on impact. My mom blamed herself for it. She thought, since she thought of the party, and was on the phone with him, it was her faiult. For the longest time, she would beat herself up for it. It was me and my brother for the longest time. She finally bagan to forgive herself over the month. She's coming to Sochi for my events, but im not too sure if its for support, or for her to get away." I looked down in shame I guesse. Shaun put a finger under my chin and lifted my head. "Theres no reason to feel like that Felix. I can tell you on thing. Your going to be here and in Sochi with me. Im not going anywhere." That put a smile on my face. "I pleade that this is going the be the best America/Russia trip you'll endourge. Promise." I couldnt help it. His smile came back again and I got the erge. I leaned forward and kissed Shaun. Right on the lips. He kiss back imediately, putting his hand on the side if my face. I pulled away. "Oh my gosh. Im so sorry. I didnt mean-" i started, only to be interruped with another kiss. We finally broke apart, and went back to our laying possitions in my bed. "I started dating Jason in ninth grade, and never felt like this around him." I told as Shaun started to play with my hair. "Im hopeing that's a good thing." I smiled. "You dont have anything to worry about." I said looking up at him. He pecked my lips once more. "Good morning Felix." He told me. I giggled. "Good morning Shaun." I said, as we both dozed off.

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