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It's been exactly one week sice i've came to America, which means we leave for Russia tomorrow. I woke up, more exited this morning. I just couldnt figure it out. I showered, and changed, into a batman tanktop, with a yellow, and black striped jacket over it. matvhing yellow skinny jeans, and black and gold hightops were added. i put on my black nit beanie, with my michigan necklace I wear everywhere. I slpipped on a ring Spencer gave me a few years back. it was oure black. Diomands and all. the band had black diomands in it, with three larger ones like a regular ring. -

I checked the time on my phone. Noon. Why did I get up so late? I dismissed the question, as I texted Danica. "any plans???" there was no replie. there was no replie to any of my texts I sent out. Not even Spencer. I began to worry, as I went down to the lobby. No one was there either, except the lady behind the counter. "Have you seen anybody leave today?" I asked her. "Im sorry. I havent." She informed, looking down at her computer. I decided to leave the hotel, hopeing I would run into someone on the street. My luck seemed to change as I did.

"Oh meryl. Am I glad to see you." I said as she smiled at me. "Is everyone ignoring you too?" she asked and I nodded. "At least were not alone." I said as she giggled. "Let's try to find them shall we?" she said turning around. "yea. Yea sure." I said following her. I really was conserned something happened. It seemed like we were walking for hours, until she finally stopped. "Let"s check in here. Ask if anyones's knows something." she said slowly walking in. I would go along but..."meryl. This is a Chuck. E. Cheess" I told as she nodded. "You never know. These employeess always know what going on." I took her word for it as we walked in.

It was completely deserted, with the exeption of a few workers. "Excuse me." Meryl started. "Have you seen any professional snowboarders here." she said pro snowboarders so..weird. not even a second later... "SURPRISE!!!" People flew out from everywhere. How did I not see them. I have no idea. It felt like the whole team was there. I spotted spencer, and Jess. And that's when I discovered what this is all about. Everyone grew silent as they noticed I was about to talk. "it's my birthday today isnt it." They all just laughed. I was being seriouse. "Happy birthday Felix." Shaun said giving me a hug. I hugged back, of course. "Did you plan this?" I asked as his smile grew. "With some help." he informed. I leaned up, and gave him a kiss. "Thank you." I said. "It is your 20th birthday. no need to thanks me." he replied.

We partyed untill it was time for cake. It was huge. It was a life size snowboard, with the binding and all. It was at an angle, so you could see the bottom. It was my actual board. My neon blue binding, with the board syle on the bottom. PureAlexander. The blue letters matched the binding, while the board was light orange. sitting under the lifted part was my helmet. Life size too. Black, with PureAlexander on the bottom back, in the light orange color. My newly added Olympic rings were right above it. the rest of the untouched space was filled with a lace design in the same neon blue.

I hadnt noticed I was crying, until Shaun asked me if I was okay. Everyone was silent once more as I explained. "I havent celebrated my birthday since I was 9." I told getting a hug from my little brother. "And that's why we gave you one." I smiled at my brother's reasoning. they stuck 20 candles in the board, and started singing. "Happy Birthday dear Felixxxx! Happy Birthday to you." I made a wish and blew out my candles. I actually made a wish. I didnt wish for first in my events, or to get married to Shaun. I asked to stay safe. Not just me, but all of us. Spencer, Jessica, Mom when she leaves.

I got the first slice out of my snowboard. They even got my favorite flavor. Strawberry cheese cake. I scarfed it down and went for seconds. "Speech!" Shaun yelled, getting a look from me. "Speech!" more people joined in. "Speech!" Soon the whole Chuck. E. Cheeses was full of speech. "I hate you Shaun White." I said as I stepped onto the stage thingie, with the camera. Someone handed me a microphone.

"I wasn't prepared for this." I told getting a slight laugh from the other athletes. "Like what I said earlier, I haven't celebrated my birthday since I was nine.So this came as a surprise. Not to mention this is a surprise party." there were more laughs. "No, but um, I do appreciate this. And to really show you just how much, I made a wish. When I blew out my candles. Usually people would wish to get gold, or be with the one they love forever." I gestured to Shaun, and he looked surprised. "But today I asked for something that won't just benefit me, but all of us. I wish that we'll be safe for the next 3 weeks. All 256 of us." They all had grateful faces. "I also asked for my family to be safe. That includes you too Jess." She smiled. "I've prayed every day since I can remember, and who I prayed to changed 11 years ago. I talk to my dad. Asking him to keep mom, and Spencer safe, because I know I can't do it by myself. I truly believe he's listening. Every time I ask something of him, he delivers." People started to get teary eyed. "For example. The day before I came to America, I asked my father to let me meet someone I could spend the rest of my life with. He didn't disappoint." I smiled as Shaun, whipping a tear under my eye. "Alexander Michigan was the man who got me here today. Every summer, he would take my family to Canada. Where the snow was perfect, and the cocoa was delicious. Without him, I'd just be a deadbeat skateboarder, that's going nowhere."I noticed how far I went, and decided to change direction. "Enough about the past. Thank you Spencer, for not being a pain in the ass all these years. And Jess, for keeping him out of trouble. Thanks you Danica, for being an extraordinary friend. Shaun, for being so understanding, and loving, and not throwing me out for my childhood baggage. I love you. And Thank you, everyone for this party." Everyone stood and applauded. I made my way back to my seat, to finish my cake.

I looked to my left, and Shaun just stared at me. "What?" I asked with a smile. "You've got some frosting right...let me get that for you" I was confused until he kissed me, for quite a while. "Got it." he said breathless. I smiled again. "Smooth." I informed putting a dab of frosting on his nose. He did the same to me, as he laughed. "So we don't have to talk about this?" I asked getting a puzzled look. We both wiped the frosting off our noses. "I said I love you up there, and you looked shocked." I told him with a serious face. He was silent. "Shaun." I sighed, about ready to cry. "I think it's time to give you your present." He said, handing me a small box. "Really Shaun. You should have told me how you really felt earlier!" That got a few people's attention. "Just..open the present." was all he said. I really was getting angry with him. I mean this whole God damn time, I thought he really wanted me. I'm such an idiot. I tore off the paper, and opened the box. I exploded when I saw what it was. "YOU GAVE A WORKOUT TAPE FROM THE 90'S!!" I yelled,jumping out of my seat. Everyone stared at us. "NICE GOING SHAUN!! I JUST TOLD YOU I LOVE YOU FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FRONT OF 300 PEOPLE, AND THIS IS ALL YOU TELL ME TO DO!!" He looked so hurt. "Will you just watch it." He asked calmly. "NO! I AM NEVER GOING TO WATCH THIS SHIT SHAUN!!! WHY THE HELL DID YOU GIVE ME THIS!!" He stood up with me. "It's not a work out tape from the 90's. and I think if you watch it, you'll be much happier." My face was burning red. "Just tell me what it is, and I'll watch it!" he sighed. "I can't!" he said way less intense then me. "AND WHY NOT!!" I could tell I was pissing him off. "Because I watched it, and the person in it told me I can't!" I gave him the death glare, as he crossed his arms. "You really think I gave you a work out tape for your birthday." I lightened up. "I thought you didn't love me." I informed. "If I didn't love you, then why would I go this far just to get you to watch a tape?" he had a point. "Is there a VHS player here anywhere!" I yelled, as an employee took the tape, and put it in the player. The tape showed on every screen in the place. Tears formed in my eyes as the tape started. "Dad."

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