Dark to white

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I know Shaun White is actually 27, but let's pretend he's 20, and has short hair. For this story's sakes. I also don't own Shaun White. :/ 

"Felix! Felix wake up!" My mom shook me as I turned over. "You got a letter!" She exclaimed. "Do you have to yell." I mumbled into my pillow. "It's from America." She informed bribery, and I bolted upright. She handed me the letter, and I opened it quickly. "It's hand written." I said softly as I skimmed through it. "Out loud." My mother told me. "Miss. Felix Michigan." I read with a wide smile. "We would like to offer you an all expense paid trip to The United States of America on behalf of there 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Team." I jumped up and down in happiness. I had the Australian qualifiers in the bag, but I was turned down because of age. I'm not even the youngest athlete here. "You will not have to participate in the Qualifiers for your spot on the Team. You are granted one. If you do not like the way it works here, it is perfectly acceptable if you decline our offer.

If you do want to come check out our team please call.


-Amanda Fitsburg.

I immediately picked up my phone and called. "Yes. Thank you." I told as I hung up after and hour of information. I turned to my mom, and hugged her. "I'm so proud of you." She said in my ear. We released, and made our way to the kitchen. "When do you leave?" My smile faded. "6 AM Tomorrow." She stopped and slightly looked up at me. "That's crazy!" She exclaimed throwing her hands up. A door flew open, as a bed head brunet stuck his head through the door. "Could you not be so loud on a Saturday morning." He closed the door as I swiftly opened it, and walked in. "Spencer. Stop being such a bum. It's noon." He rolled his eyes as he got back in bed. "I'm leaving tomorrow. For America." His head shot up as he's always dreamt of the US. "Your taking me right." I looked down and played with my thumbs. "Your not." I didn't reply as he lay back down. "I would if I could. Really Spencer I would. But I can't."

"And why not." He said still calm. "I'm going for the Olympics. In Sochi." I saw a smile play in his face, as he sat up next to me, on his bed. "Are you going to meet Shaun White?" I smiled. "Hopefully mate. Now!" I clapped my hand, jumping up. "I'll be gone on your 18th birthday tomorrow, but luckily I already got your present." I exited his room as he quickly put a shirt on, and ran after me. "What is it!?" I giggled as I handed him a box. He quickly tore the paper off and sat on my floor. Inside was a flag, split in half. The first triangle was the Australian flag, while the other was American. (In case your wondering, our Dad was from America. That's why it's either the US or Australia.) a jacket, red, whit and blue, with the American flag in it. The back said WHITE, as he's Spencer's favorite Olympian. A pair of custom Australian Nike Roches, and an envelope. He put on the jacket and opened the envelope with his name written in my neat cursive handwriting. He pulled out an ass load of cash. All hundreds. He looked at me with question. "Keep going." I told pointing to his present in his hand. He took out tickets, and looked at them closer. "Really!" He exclaimed with wide eyes. I nodded. "America, to Russia." I smiled, as he leaned over and hugged me. "There's 2 tickets." I got off the floor. "Yea. I thought you could take Jess or something." He got up too. "You don't know how much I love you right now." I smiled leaving. "You leave in a week. So figure it out."

The door bell rang, as I went to answer it. A short 4'11, beautiful blond was at the door. "Come on in Jess." I opened the door as she stepped in. "Spencer's her right?" She asked and I nodded. "He should be in a good mood." She looked at me confused as she made her way down the hall. "JESS! JESS! YOU WONT BELIEVE WHERE WERE GOING!!!" He yelled meeting her at the beginning if he hallway. "Hopefully not to the zoo." I giggled. The last time she was at the zoo, a giraffe licked her face, and she got brutally ill. "Definitely not." He replied. "We're going to the Olympics!!" A smile played across Jess' face. She noticed the tickets in is hand and looked back at me. "Why aren't you taking Felix?" She seemed so sad. She really is the sweetest. "Oh, I'm already going. And so is mom. Don't worry." Her eyes widened as she gave me a huge hug. "What event?" She asked pulling away. "Half pipe and freestyle."

"Ahhh!" She screamed in excitement. "This is great!" She reached up and kissed Spencer. "Where's mom?" Jess asked looking around. "She's around here somewhere." I told going back to my room, to pack.

This is my dream. To be in the Olympics. And I'm only 19. I knew if Australia didn't want me. Them someone else would. 

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