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I woke up feeling...diffrent. Less heavy. I looked at the clock that read 10:57. Ive never gotten up this late. I usually get up at 7 to train. I decided to let this one slide, remembering what happened last night. I slowly turned to look at Shaun. Careful not to wake him, he grabbed me and pulled me into a spoon. "Good morning Miss. Michigan." He said. I smiled. "And to you Mr.White." I said, getting a kiss under my ear. "What were you planning to do today?" I asked him. "Well. I was going to the skate park a little ways down the road, but it snowed last night, looks like im not." I frowned. "You know, that was the ine true thing I wanted to gain out if coming to America." He sat up and looked at my face. "To go skateboarding?" He asked and I smiled. Ive traveled to every city in Australia, and skated in every park. I wanted something new. Yea know, to switch things up a little." He just smiled. "We might be able to find a spot thats not completely frozen." He told, wanting to fafill my dream. I quickly jumped out of bed, and noticed what I was wearing. Short black shorts, the showed parts of my bottom, with a loose belly shirt, with no bra. I wasnt uncomfortable with Shaun, but. "I looked like this last night!" I slightly shouted. "Other people saw me in this." Shaun just nodded. I love the way he looked at me. His stare was kind of like a brotherly one. Yea, your brother would look at you if you walk into his room half naked, but not like that. Yea know. It was sweet. "I should probaly chahange." I said as he crawled off my bed. "I should too." He said openeing the door. "Wait." I said racing to the door. I gave him one last kiss. "Meet in the lobby." I told as he nodded, and left. I jumped around my room, in exitment. Im dateing Shaun White!i started singing as I changed. Im a fairly nice singer. I was voted most vocal in highschool. "Was it somethin i said to make you turn away. To make you walk out and me me alone. If j vould just find a way. To make it so that you were right here, right now." I sang, as I opened my suitcase. "Ive been sittin here cant get you off my mind. I trued my best to be a man and be strong. I drive myself insane wishing i could touch yo face, but the truth remained your. Gone." That was probally one of my favorite songs of all time. Gone by Nsync.

I changed into a black and white Elvis sweater, with matching leapord print jeans. I wore my wavy brown hair down, with a black beanie to top off my look. I put in a pair of high top shoes, and my michigan necklace my father gave me for my 9th birthday. I rarely ever wear makeup, which cut down on time a lot. I grabbed my iPhone 5s off the charger, and walked out my room. I was ready to get some breakfast with my new boyfriend, untill i remebered the whole reason im leaving. I ran back into my room and grabbed my dark purple topped board. The bottom was purple galaxy with dark purple sparkly wheels. It was also something my dad gave me. I was finally ready to leave. As i walked through the living room, Danica was nowhere to be seen. She was probally still asleep from the dreadful morning. I took my room key off the counter, and exited.

Shaun was waiting for me by the entrance of the Hotel. He looked up from his phone, and smiled. "Ready gourgouse?" He said taking my hand. "I nodded as he opened the door for me. We both had our boards in hand, as we walked down the street to nowhere inparticular. We passed a building, as someone flew out from the ally, snapping shots. I removed the camera from the reporters neck and put my hands in my hips. "Jason!" I yelled irratated. "Im sorry Felix. Im just doin my Job." He shrugged, and that made me tick. He just got careless all of a sudden. "Dont give me that shit Jason! You knew I was coming here! You should still be Austalia!" He just laughed. "Oh come on mate. Who doesnt know your in the games! And I came here to get a fresh start. Coincidentaly after you.. But-" I called bull shit in that one. "Really? When?" He just started at Shaun. "Yeasterday." He said with an edge to his voice. "Then how did you get a job so quick?" He was speachless. "That's what I thought." I said giving him the death glare, but he was paying no attention to me. "It looks like you got a fresh start too hu." He was still just staring at Shaun, who was staring back. "Yea. I did." I told without moving his lips. "Whoa look at the time. Were late for training." Shaun said fast. "It was horrible to meet you. Lets go Felix." Jason's expression went from ammused to annoyed. We never let go of hands as Shaun lightly pulled me along.

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