Chapter 23

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Okay, so I am kind of overjoyed (by kind of I mean a lot). When I first found out I reached 100K, it was 6:35 am, on a weekday, and I was annoyed by the fact that I had school. But, this literarily made my day.

I am overjoyed that I reached a goal I set ever since the beginning of this book, and my new goal is to reach 500K; which is probably impossible. But since we reached this far I'm sure we can reach even farther, so thank you.

I hope this chapter is eventful enough because something is coming.


Nathan POV

"So anything interesting happening in your life?" My father asks, 5 minutes into the car ride.

"Nothing much, why you asking?"

"Just trying to avoid having an awkward car ride, but my effort is obviously going to waste."

I sigh, keeping my eyes on the road.

"Alright, so who's this John Kadvick guy was having a meeting with?"

My father only chuckles. "Your head is really up your ass half the time. I've been speaking about him coming in for a meeting for months, although, I don't blame you, you have been busy with a bunch of other things.

"Kadvick is one of those businessmen who never give up, he's been calling in for over a year; trying to schedule a meeting. But, every time a better opportunity came up, I turned his offer down, that was until he explained what he had wanted to propose."

"So what was his preposition exactly."

He stays silent for a moment, then speaks up again.

"Thats for another time, but it does revolve around the usual; money going into both our bank accounts."

Just as my father ends the conversation, we arrive at our building.

I ignore the fact he basically just dodged the question, but I'm pretty sure he has his reasons.

My father and I greet the receptionist and make our way towards the elevator.

Within a minute, we are up on our desired level, and as soon and the door open we come face to face to a group of men waiting in the waiting room.

"Mr. Kadvick, great to finally meet you." My father says.

Both men shake hands,  and Kadvick replies to him. "Same here, I hope I didn't ruin any upcoming plans for yourself."

Dad only chuckle, which from I can tell is fake, and he's trying to cover up that he really didn't want to give him a shot, but thought why not. "No, and hopefully you don't disappoint. Shall we get to business, gentlemen."

With that, all us men make our way towards the conference room, and I hope everything goes well. Knowing my luck, shit is probably going to go downhill.

Trinity POV

"Trinity you look fine, you've been making sure you look perfect in that mirror every 2 seconds, chill." my sister says, slightly aggravated.

"No one asked for your opinion, so why don't you shut it"

She laughs. "And here I thought all the time you being a bitch was because of the pregnancy hormones, but I guess you can't blame it on them now can you?"

I only ignore her.

If she was in my place she would be twice as annoying as I am right at this moment.

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