Chapter Twenty Six

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        Having tossed and turned all night, with no sleep, Renne decided that she should probably get up and do something. It was five in the morning, after all. Sliding out of her bed, with a sigh, Renne tossed on a pair of jeans and a tank top. Walking to the closet, she grabbed a zip up hoodie and a pair of socks. As she was tying her hair back in a ponytail, something got caught in her long hair. Giving it a slight tug, Renne realized it was the engagement ring that Matt had given her last night. 

        Looking down at it, Renne studied it, really, for the first time. There was hardly anything attractive about it. There was one huge, square diamond in the center, and that was surrounded by several other tiny diamonds. The band was thick, giving the ring a very heavy feeling. Letting out a sigh, Renne debated taking the ring off for a day, but then again, when she agreed to marry Matt, she would have to wear it every day, so she might as well get used to wearing it. 

         Taking a glance at herself in the mirror, Renne asked herself, "What am I goin' to do?" Last night, Renne had spent practically the entire night praying, thinking, and praying some more. Before the night was over,  Renne thought she had an answer as to what to say to Matt. She would agree to marry him. He had done so much for Renne when she really needed it, and it would help her move on from Swayde, who she had been trying hard to convince herself was just a childhood love. 

        Finishing putting her hair in a ponytail, Renne quietly made her way downstairs, slipping on her boots once she go to the back door, then sliding outside, onto the porch, careful to not let the screen door slam behind her. Once onto the ground, Renne zipped up her jacket, walking to the barn. Flipping on a set of aisle lights caused a few of the horses to nicker, excited to see Renne. 

        With a smile, Renne made her way down the aisle to the end where her two horses were. "Hey, Cruiser. Riot. Sorry I haven't been able to come out and spend that much time with y'all." Renne smiled when she asked her horses which of them wanted to go for a ride. Riot turned around in her stall, walking to the corner where the hay was. Cruiser, on the other hand, stood by the door, softly pawing at the mat as if asking to be rode.

       With a smile, Renne walked back to the tack room to grab a hackamore, a couple brushes and a handful of treats before making her way back to her horses stall. Carefully opening the sliding door, Renne clicked her tongue at Cruiser, asking him to back up so she could safely enter the stall. Once her horse stepped back, she spoiled him with a small bite of the treat she held. Running the curry over Crusier's back, Renne wasn't surprised to see some mud partially caked on his legs and rump; for an old show horse, he was awful good at getting himself all dirty.

      Once Cruiser was all brushed out, Renne picked up each of his hooves, carefully picking each one free of dirt before setting them back on the ground. Standing up, Renne praised her horse as she stood on his left side, sliding the reins over his neck. With her hands on either side of Cruiser's face, Renne slipped the hackamore bridle over his nose, pushing the brow band over his ears. Once the bridle was secure, Renne led her horse outside to the dry lot beside the barn.

       Grabbing Cruiser's mane in her left hand, Renne stood on his left side before skipping forward, hopping off her foot to swing onto her horse's bare back, Indian style. Once she was seated on his back, Renne smiled, stroking Cruiser's neck.

       Leaving the reins on Cruiser's neck, Renne steered him around the lot with her feet. As he slowly, but obediently walked, Renne tightened her pony tail, then pulled her phone out of her pocket to check her new notifications. Service on the ranch had always been hit and miss, but this side of the barn had always tended to have better reception, which only caused Renne's phone to go crazy with notifications.

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