Behind You

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(Even as you lie in bed reading this)

There's always a point in every child's life when they decide that they don't believe in the monster under their beds. That the strange sound outside their door was only their imagination. But they were wrong. As they grow up, they don't see the world with a child's eye anymore. They can't see the shadows that lurch closer every time they glance away.

Someone should honestly warn them. Tell them that they can't forget the rules they used to chant as a child. If you can't see them, they can't see you. Never look out from underneath the covers no matter how hot and stuffy it is under there. They have become brainwashed into believing nothing can get them, nothing can hurt them, but its a lie made by adults to get children thinking like them. To make them become like them.

Standing here from their perspective, adults can't see what you used to see. But that doesn't make them any more safe than you and I. They can't see the man smiling from your window in the middle of the night. But we all know the truth. Or is it too late for you as well, Dear Reader? Have you put the past

Behind you and given up on believing in childish tales? That there's no such things as the boogie monster, there's no man hiding in your closet. It was never even real, right? Just an active imagination, the adults say.

You shouldn't believe everything they say. For, they can't see as well as you. They cant see how the shadows bend and form monsters you thought was only possible in your dreams. Now this is the end of my mini rant and I leave with it, a little message. So listen carefully, I'm trying to warm you as subtly as possible. You should probably read the first word of every paragraph. Please, there's not much time left.

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