Choices and Consequences

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"If you go through the door you'll die" the demon spoke as he watched the old mans frantic steps come to a halt.

"But if I stay here, ill die." the old man glanced warily at the steadily growing flames.

The demon chuckled. Maybe he would be different.

"Life is always about decisions. The choices you make always come with consequences. Aren't they just delightful."

The old man pondered over his decision. He didn't know what laid outside the door but if he stayed here, the fire would consume him. Besides, his last few attempts at leaving the room had resulted in him failing. The door wouldn't budge at all.

"The door is open." And just like that, the door slid open but it only revealed darkness on its other side.

The old man knew he would be walking blindly into something he had no clue about if he went through the door. At least in the burning building he knew what he had to face. Out there, he knew nothing. Knowledge was power and he would hold none if he blindly walked out there.

"I-I choose to stay here." he said more confidently than he actually felt.

The demons eyes glistened as he swiped his hand across the building and it went up in flames. The old mans screams were quickly cut off as he turned to ash. The demon sighed.He made the wrong choice. Pitiful humans. They always made the wrong choice.

The darkness that concealed what was outside the door vanished and showed a grassy area close by his neighborhood. If only the old man had ridden himself of his apprehension and his fear of the unknown he would have been free. His freedom had been right within his grasp but he refused it and instead, chose to perish.


The moral of this creepypasta is that you shouldn't be so afraid to do other things because staying stuck where you currently are could lead to your downfall. Try something new even if it is like wandering blindly in the dark. Who knows maybe you might find a little bit of light in there and if you don't, don't be afraid to keep trying. You will succeed one day.

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