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It's been years since I last saw my baby, sometimes his memory is faded away. It hard to get a clear picture of his pretty face. I'm even starting to forget what his laugh sounds like. I am worried he will no longer love me but I must be strong and keep going because if I don't I'll never be able to see him again. I've done many fucked up things in my life and to be honest, I am not proud of yet he was never a mistake, in fact, he was probably the best thing I've ever done. 

In the past few years, all I have been doing is ripping apart the people in my past. My sister lost track of my mate but she says he is protected by his older brother. Today will be my last day before I can finally go home to my love. It's a long few years and I am ready to go home to my love. I am ready to see his smile, his beautiful eyes, and well just all of him. I miss his laugh, I miss the way he would yell at me, I miss how he will beg for attention, how he would cry when he didn't get his way, I miss him with all my heart. What if he forgot me? Does he still love me? Will he forgive me? I would do anything for him no matter what, even if it meant killing myself I would. I shook my head and told myself to focus on the task at hand well paw. I got low and locked eyes on my prey and looked around to find out how many bodyguards he had. He had five guards with no weapons and one with a gun. I decided I should just do it instead of waiting for the perfect moment because at this point I was just ready to go home. I jumped off the roof onto the ground and attacked him ripping him apart. His guards picked up weapons they could find and began to attack me as I ripped apart their master. I ripped his head off and turned to the guards and began to rip them apart as the blood flew everywhere. The bodyguard with the gun started firing shots at me and I threw one the other guards on top of him and grabbed him by the foot and threw him across the field into a passing car. I heard panic human being and jumped back onto the roof and took off as the police filled the alleyway where they saw the horror I left behind. Last one dead now it's time to go home to my love. I'm coming home to you. 



I will be updating more often, I will be updating probably on weekends when I have the freest time.  I started a new story with the same characters with a different plot line that I personally believe is better but that's up you to decide, it is called The memories of the beast. So far it has two chapters posted so far and I will post more of the story if it gets a least two votes per page. As for this story, I have been having writer's block and lately, the school has been a lot of work. I have eight classes and the teachers are giving a crap ton of homework so nowadays I have little free time. Please feel okay to message me at any time and if you are into fan-fiction head over to my other page GummybearMarshy. At the moment the only fan-fiction I have written on the page would be a gumlee one. thanks for reading and I love you all so much!

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