What once was

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           I woke up with a lost of breath and my heart racing. I died yet how am I alive and a male? It makes no sense to me! After all my so called brother, husband, and the one I'm suppose to marrying didn't age at all but that was only a few years ago. "ah you're awake, you didn't really die you know well your body did but your soul didn't. We haven't aged sense then because once you turn 18 for males you stop aging and you stop aging when you turn 16." "Oohh okay wait then but I was 16 in that memory and also why am I male now?" He smirked and said "I found that body after we crashed here, your body gave out so I went looking for another. Luckily though there was a baby nearby who was near death so I placed your soul into it. Souls only connect to some body's and if the soul doesn't fit it'll kill the body yet your didn't kill the baby so it meant to be, I didn't understand why it worked on a male but that doesn't matter. The body might be male but the wolf Soul, and fallen angel is still female just without the bottom half. Yet you can still have blood kids just can't give birth." I nodded my head and was about to ask how I can still have blood kids but the house shook. "Fucking ass half breed human ass mother fuckers." Well okay than guess we have a human hater. He shifted into a large wolf with purple fur and sharp teeth and claws. He turned his head to me and told me in wolf body language to get the fuck on his back. My brother sure does curse a lot. I Climbed onto his back and he took off running out of the house and through the pack of wolves. The started to run after us as I was falling off him. "grab the collar" I heard him say through my mind. I grabbed onto the collar and held on tightly as he jumped through trees and spin around in a circle as he jumped over stuff. I looked back to see they are long gone. "they're gone, where are taking me?" He slowed down and I sat up taking In the new view. "Taking you somewhere safe to wait on your king to return, until then we have to run and only stop to rest. You know its a good thing you died because now they can't kill you again. I was born dead and nightmare was always dead inside." "So can we die again?" He shook his head no. I Yawned and laid down into his fur and went to sleep.

He is my nightmare come  true (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now