Nightmare's pro. 1

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"Low to the ground, eyes on the prize, and attack" I reminded myself what my dad had told me.

I was walking in woods when I heard a boy's cry for help. I stop dead in my tracks and turned my head in the direction I heard the scream in. The air was full that yummy scent of blood that i love of so much and fear. I thought to myself well if the boy doesn't make it then he becomes my wolf chow.

I quickly took off running in the direction of blood, He was found easily with the scent of his blood and fear filling the air. I was thinking man this kid is the biggest dummy in the world, I mean the boy was on the most dangerous road. I hid behind the old trashcans that were nearby. The boy had ran by but stopped dead in his tracks and fell to his knees, it looked like he had just giving up and awaited his death to come.

It seemed to me who-ever was after him wasn't going to beat him up but kill him. I looked at the boy who stood before me. I almost passed out when I laid eyes on him. His hair was snow white with forest green tips. His skin was pale and had scars all over him. His tail and ears were the same colors that his hair was. His choker looked like a collar that had a cat bell on it. His eyes were different colors, on his right it was blue and on the left it was emerald green. On this emerald green eye there was a scar that went over his eye. It kind of reminded me of scar form the movie the lion king.

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