The "Date"

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Dressing for my "date" with Peter was a lot harder than it looked. I wanted to be clothed in something that said what I thought: "We're not going on date, we're just friends." And what better way to give the message than to dress to not impress.

I searched through my wardrobe to find a suitable attire that would fit me like a glove. Speaking of, I took out my gloves first so I wouldn't forget them later. They were the most important part of my da-meet with Peter.

While examining two shirts in the mirror, I heard my conscience speak again. 'Why not go without a shirt. You can hide your bra under your jacket. It'll be the perfect date!'

"No way. I'm not showing up shirtless in front of Peter! Besides, it's not a date, he's just buying me a soda to bribe me."

'Or maybe breed you," I could already tell where this was going.

"Enough! No one is breeding. We hardly even know each other."

'You'll have plenty of time to get to know each other after the date.'

"It's not a date! It's a meet, there's a difference."

'Yeah, at meets there's no breeding.' I swear I heard my conscience chuckle. It reminded me of the devil's. Just the thought made me shudder.

A lot has been on my mind lately: My parents' death, my mysterious friendship with Peter, and that odd dream. But at that time, it was mostly my mysterious friendship with Peter. He had said I helped him be victorious in some maze. I didn't have the slightest clue what he was talking about, but I was about to find out later on that day.

It took me a while, but I finally picked a decent pair. Something that really shouted my inner 1960's rock, if you know what I mean. Thank God I found something before my conscience made anymore suggestions!

I got a text from Peter saying he would meet me outside at 10 A.M. So I rushed to put on my clothes and scurried to the front of the school. I already knew he had a something in store for me. I mean, duh! Peter Maximoff can run anywhere why would he need to meet me anywhere?

20 minutes after 10 A.M., I was about to text Peter and cancel everything--not because I was scared. But Peter arrived just in time before I pushed the 'send' button. He peeked over my shoulder, "Who ya texting?"

I quickly hid it under my shirt. "No one! I... I was just searching my phone out of boredom. You know, of waiting for you." I crossed my arms and tapped my foot.

I took a moment to examine what Peter chose for clothing: A Pink Floyd Raglan Tee, Synthetic Silver Basketball shoes, a Steel Mesh watch on his right hand, and a Dab 5 radio in his left jean pocket. I had to admit he looked date-worthy. Enough.

Peter chuckled and held his hands up in surrender. "Sorry. I had to get some stuff before I came here."

"From where?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

"My mom's basement."

"YOU STILL LIVE IN YOUR MOM'S BASEMENT!" I squealed in delight. He looked at me with great confusion.

If he still lived in his basement, then there was bound to be some clues about my parents death there. I had to get him to take me over there so I can explore both the crime scene and Peter more. My lucky day! All I had to do was convince Peter to take me to his house.. at least once!

I must've been standing there with a scheming smile on my face. When I finally snapped back, I made sure to act as casual as possible. "I mean... can we please just get this over with." and darted to the edge of the sidewalk. I looked both ways, expecting to see a car or something.

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