The Mirage

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I waited until everyone was in their dorms to make my move. Once the last door was shut, mine came open. I peeked my head through the door crack and checked from left to right. The coast was clear. As I maneuvered myself through the halls, I tried not to worry about the previous afternoon. I didn't have time to worry about Peter's bipolar-ness. One thing was for sure: I did NOT like him. I just hope no one saw!

I turned a corner to the fifth hallway I searched and found the wall. Slowly and quietly, I approached it. It didn't seemed like much, but I knew the truth. That wall was a barren to a secret staircase, and, somehow, my conscience helped me open it. Very carefully, I stepped in front of the wall, facing my own silhouette. It reminded me of the cops at my house. Too much like the cops from my house.

Suddenly, I didn't want too see what was behind it. I turned around to leave when a force pulled and glued my hand to the wall. The hologram flickered on and off like my television. I felt the urge to scream, but didn't want to get caught, so I kept quiet. Finally, the wall hologram stopped flickering and I was pushed inside. With a hard thud! I landed on the bottom step. I peeked up to see about 26 other steps ahead of me. "Great," I sighed.

I steadily got to my feet and cleaned off my dusty red sneakers. After that, I studied the stairs, one-by-one, to the top. It looked smooth and sooty. That's when it hit me: there was soot, which meant the stairs hadn't been used for at least a decade.

That's also when a ton of questions popped up in my brain: Did Principal Xavier know about this? If he did, what was he trying to hide? Who else knew about this? Was this why Peter-- never mind. With a gallon of curiosity and a pint of courage in my heart, I followed the steps to the top of their basis.

By the time I reached the last step, my legs felt like boulders were tied to them. But the mystery of Xavier Academy told me to keep going. There was something going on, and I, considering I go to this school, held the right to know. The floor I stood upon was what appeared to be a personal library. It was small--yet comfortable--and possessed an office desk with a green lamp and office chair, along with an unpowered ceiling fan. The bookshelves lied on the left wall to the right wall, next to the entryway. It didn't look like much, but, since the wall incident, I knew better than to trust my common senses.

In all mystery movies, the secret is behind always behind the bookshelf. So I tried book #1; failed! Book #2; failed. Book #3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10; all failed! In fact, none of the books worked! I tried every single one twice and nothing happened, and I was feeling sleepy. The room was getting surprisingly cold, deeming the fan was off. Even under my layers of clothes, the shiver was still there. So I reached up to hook my fingers on the fan cord. I pulled it down, and let it sling out of my reach. But it had made no remark and stayed off. Suddenly, another cool breeze flew over my shoulders from behind. I turned to the door but instead faced an open bookshelf/door.

Inside lay an empty, round room that was too dark to see in. I put one foot on the floor, and the whole room started to vibrate! My common sense told me to run, but the bookshelf shut before I could think. The impact knocked me to my side on the ground. I couldn't move or get up for some reason. To make matters worse, the wall where the bookshelf was began to fall. It was like the whole school was sinking. I just lay there, now on my back, with my hair flying upward. I squinted through the fast gale and saw that the ceiling was moving towards me! The school wasn't sinking... I was rising. The room wasn't a room, it was a secret elevator--a really big elevator.

I kept rising for about 10-minutes until I came to a stop. No sooner than I did, I got off the ground and onto my feet. The big elevator had reached the top, and I had reached a long, glowing runway. As I walked in it's direction, my footsteps echoed off the wall and back on my ears. I examined the room to see if anyone else was inside; no one. The light from the long thing and the apex really helped my vision. I jumped onto the long runway and gazed at it's base machinery. It had a helmet complete with wires connected to the computer generator. The label on it read, 'Cerebro', which was Spanish for 'brain'. I didn't know how it worked, but I was sure it had something to do with the helmet.

Try it on, my conscience whispered in my ear. It's so shinyyyyyy! I had to agree, it was shiny. But my common sense told me not to. No matter how shinyyyyy it looked. That's when my hands grappled to the helmet without control. It was happening again!

"Oh, no!" I didn't know what to do! My powers were powerless against psychic threats, so I had no way of stopping it. Whatever it was. My hands gracefully lifted the helmet to my head, only a few inches from my hair. I tried to restrain myself, but, unfortunately, it did not work. "Help, help! Help!" I grunted and shouted for with effort with no result. I could feel the cold helmet's edges brush on my eyebrow tips. And just as I was about to finish, a scream came from above me.


Right then, studying was the least of my problems. I had no idea why I kissed her on the cheek, or why I went outta control. But I did know that, somehow, it was all her fault! Her powers must be to steal others and use them to torture the owner, like puppets. At least, I think that's what she's doing. Cause if it was worse, I'd totally tell on her. But I have to get proof, and what better way than to manipulate her. I already got a kiss, so she thinks I like her. All I gotta do is use my flirting methods as a decoy to spy on her. When I have enough evidence, I tell Professor X. See, simple.

It was the middle of the night, and everyone was in bed. I would've used my powers for transport, but what if that Viola chick used me as a puppet again? So I decided to lay low and just walk to my destination. If you're wondering where that is, it's her room. Stupid, maybe, but I wasn't using my powers, so she couldn't control me. I knocked politely and waited; there was no answer. I put my ear to the door and listened. There was no sound in the room.

Maybe she's asleep, I thought. I mean not everyone snores like you. I had a good point, so I knocked a few more times. After the couple of hours I got bored, and began to make a beat with the door using my hands and foot. It sounded very similar to the Low Rider, actually. Just as I was about to extend my solo, the door creaked open from the tapping. It was no contest whether or not I should enter, cause I'm me. The only thing that stopped me was the loud scream from the end of the hallway that woke everyone up.

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