The Accident

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Things have been really strange since my visit to the Pentagon a year ago. Like the fact that Peter rarely comes outside. And my parents forbidding me to never go near their house. EVER! Word got out that Peter was a mutant, and let's just say Mom and Dad don't approve. So now, my secret has been more protected than before. Now ever time I gaze out my window, all I see is the same car Charles, Logan, and Hank pulled up in. So far the neighborhood's been quiet...yet, something was missing.

I sat on balcony and watched TV. Nothing good was on any of my channels. I know what you're thinking: Why isn't my power taking energy from the remote? That's because I'm wearing shirred cuff-lengthed gloves. In fact, I've worn them since my parents gave me my "curfew". I guess it's not so bad, kinda comfy. But what really bugs me is Mom and Dad's constant arguing. They've been doing that for a while now--can't remember when. Either way, I love them both. But what if they found out their own daughter was a mutant?

I continued flicking through the channels until I found a suitable program: Full House. That's when I heard an argument break out upstairs.

"Mom and Dad," I whispered to myself. I didn't like it when they fought, but that's what parents do so I went along with it. Another shout was heard through the ceiling, followed by footsteps in their room. I wanted to know what was up, but, like I said, not my call. Instead I just turned the volume up to 25. Then I slammed the remote on the table, folding my arms and groaning. It wasn't fair! Just because Peter can't use his powers much doesn't mean I can't.

I decided to turn off the TV and meditate--it's the one thing that calms my powers and nerves. I folded my hands, reached up in an inhale, then down into an exhale, and restarting from the hand fold. It must've been the fourth time I did that when I realized something. The TV was off, and it was quiet! No arguing came from above my head. That's what worried me.

"Mom...?" I said silently and ran inside. I stopped mid-way up the stairs and called to them. "Mom? Dad? Hello?!" I had no idea why they weren't responding. What if something happened?! Oh, no! I finished climbing up the stairs and nearly rammed into their door. I knocked impolitely and shouted, "Mom, Dad?! Hello?!" Still no answer, how could that be?

I tried to open the door, but it was locked. Then an idea shot into my head: use your powers! This was it, my time to shine again. No holding back. I stepped back a bit, took out my cell phone, gripped it, and-- wait. If I use my powers, then they'll finally know. What will they do to me then? What if it wasn't even serious? But there was no time to waste. I closed my eyes, and opened them to a giant hole in the door. I carefully slipped through it, and found my parents.

They were lying in a pile of blood on the floor, dead. Each had been stripped of their shirts, vividly showing their backs. I covered my mouth to cry, but instead I had produced a squeal. I leaned forward to see something on Mom's back. A t written in a sloppy manner, and in bold black, as if they were burnt into their skin. I turned to see my father had the same thing on his back.

I kneeled down to take a closer look, and, with a tilt of my head, saw what it really was: an X.

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