a place to stay

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"We're back!" Natsu and Happy yelled into the rowdy guild, they had just gotten their reward money then dropped those three off at the magic council.

"Welcome back." Mira smiled

A small blue haired bookworm ran up to Lucy "how was your first job, lu-chan?!"

"Oh, it was good! Totally easy" Lucy laughed

"Easy..?" Gray mumbled walking past Lucy.

"Oh right!" Levy exclaimed "thats Gajeel, the other dragon slayer." She blushed as she said his name.

She pointed to a black haired man eating metal scraps.

"He looks sca- oh? Levy-chann~ you're blushing" Lucy snickered.

"H-huh? N-no im not." She retorted

"In loooovvveee~" Happy said as he walked past the two girls, Luna following close behind him.

"Shut up." Levy glared at the small blue haired exceed. Lucy just winked then walked over to Mira.

"Can i have a strawberry milkshake...?" Lucy asked.

"Of course" Mira smiled "did the job go well?."

"Ah, yeah there were actually two other dragon slayers it was strange.." Lucy said, rubbing her eyes.



Lucy finished her milkshake then decided to head out, she walked over to the surprisingly talkative black exceed and dragged her away from Wendy, Carla and Happy.

"Wahh??" Luna questioned as Lucy picked her up.

"Im glad to see you're socialising," Lucy laughed. "But, we should probably worry about finding a place to stay right now since we have the money."

"Oh! I forgot about that.." Luna knocked herself on the head then they headed out of the guild doors.

After a small amount of time they found a apartment that was renting, so they asked the landlady about it and it was 70,000 jewel per month, which was a tad pricey but Lucy and Luna both really liked the apartment.

Once they signed the contract for the conditions of living in the house they decided to move in, thats when Luna said,

"Ah..we don't have any furniture.."

"How do i always forget about this basic stuff?!" Lucy groaned tugging at her hair.

"We still have some money left over from that job lets go buy the essentials." Luna said.

"Ah...yeah okay"


With the money that they had left they managed to buy a small pink couch, a cheap table, that actually looked really nice and some chairs.

"Well, i guess we are gonna have to save up then." Lucy sighed looking at what they brought, it was all placed in the middle of the empty apartment.

"Lets just arrange this all.." Luna laughed a little

After they finally decided where to put everything they both fell asleep on the couch.


"Hey, Natsu.."

"Yeah?" Natsu looked down at his feline companion, they were both currently walking home after Natsu just finished fighting basically everyone in the guild.

"Carla still won't take my fish." Happy sniffled

"She doesn't like fish, remember?" Natsu reminded.

"Oh yeah! What should i get her then?" The blue exceed questioned eagerly.

"Hmmm" Natsu thought for a moment. "I don't know." He laughed loudly.

"You're no help Natsuuuu"

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