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If you hate OCs don't worry the following OCs in the next few chapters aren't gonna last forever


"This is where she said they saw them." Erza said with confidence.

They were all standing outside of where the forest started.

"Lets go and find them then beat em up!" Natsu said running in.

"Aye- wait up Natsuuuu" Happy flew after him.

"Guys wait!" Lucy yelled at them.

Erza and Gray sighed "better go follow him." They said in sync.


As they ventured into the forest it got darker and darker until they reached a small shack that, suspiciously was surrounded by a bright light.

"Better check that out" Lucy said

"Yeah." Luna said.

They got closer and closer then once Erza was about to grab the door handle a voice spoke from behind them.

"What are you doing?"

They all turn quickly and saw a young girl looking around 16 with light blue hair down to her butt, she was wearing very short shorts and a crop top. Obviously showing a lot of skin. She had dark blue eyes that showed a annoyed expression.

'Around 15-16, thats what the old lady said' Erza thought to herself.

"Who are you?" Erza asked stepping forward closer to the girl.

"I should be asking you that question." She replied

Erza requiped a sword into her hand and pointed it at the girls neck. "Don't make me ask again, who are you?" Erza asked.

"Ohhh, requip magic, scary." The girl smirked looking down at the sword "i better play along, huh?" She laughed

"Im Destiny. I live there." She stated blandly taking a step away from the sword.

She held out her hand pointing her finger towards Erza, they all watched as a branch grew out from her finger launching towards Erzas neck, but stoping right before. It was a extremely sharp branch, any closer and Erzas neck would be split open.

"My turn" she smiled "who are you all and what are you doing here?"

Erzas breath hitched, she definitely did not expect that. "I-im Erza. We are fairy t-tail mages.."

"And.. what are you doing here?" She smirked as she mover her finger around, causing the branch to move dangerously around Erzas neck.

"H-hey.." Gray sighed "we were just checking it out.."

"Yeah it was suspicious that it was bright around here.." Lucy added

'Destiny' laughed, making the branch disappear from Erzas neck. "Man, you fairys are bad at lying. Im guessing you had a request to come and stop us from attacking that one village." She said calmly.

"How did you know that?" Natsu asked, he really wanted to attack her but he knew that wasn't a smart choice.

"Just a hunch" she shrugged, walking past them all and opening the door to the shack "Aia! Light! We have unwanted company" she screamed into the shack.

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