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Filler chapter.


Lucy wondered around the huge forest looking for a near village or town.

She had been walking around for nearly the whole day and she could clearly see that she would need to find a place to sleep.

"Im so hungry..." Lucy mumbled to herself, "do i have any spirits that can help me find food" Lucy questioned herself and grabbed out the keys from her pocket

"Hmmm" Lucy scanned through the silver and gold keys " Aquarius....she would yell at me..... oh, Leo!"

Lucy grabbed Leos key of the chain and summoned him

"Open, gate of the lion, Leo!"

"Long time no see beautiful." Leo got down on one knee and kissed Lucys hand.
Lucy sweat dropped. 'Ah, i forgot he was like that' she thought to herself

"Do you need anything?" He asked

"Ah! Oh yeah um, i was wondering if you had anyway i could like, urm get food?" Lucy asked awkwardly

"Food huh?" He looked around the area "is there a town or something near by?"

"I don't think so, i was looking all day" Lucy sighed

"Oh?" Leo looked to the right, "but it looks like theres a village over there" he pointed passed the trees where you could see a few houses, Lucy stared in shock, how did she manage to miss that?

"Well! I definitely saw that, yep yep. I was just... err, testing! Yeah i was testing to see if you would spot it!" Lucy said embarrassed

Leo chuckled at the child "well, if you say so."


Leo and Lucy neared the small village.

"I'll go check if they have a bakery or something wait here" Leo ordered

"Ah.. okay"


Leo's POV

The truth is i sensed a strange magic energy, and the village had a sort of magic dome around it that Lucy didn't seem to notice.

I will look for a bakery and make sure its safe here.

"Hey! You aren't from here what are you doing?" A man ran out yelling at me, i pushed up my glasses looking totally cool.

"Im here to find some food." I said bluntly "got any you could lend?"

"Wearing a suit like that?" He said looking at me "you surely have enough money to buy your own food!"

"The food isn't for me.."

"Then buy them food with all of you money!" He exclaimed

"Hey, bud if I could I would but I don't have any money and there is a 9 year-old girl waiting for me, because she needs food" I explained

"L-leave. Now!" He said very panicky

"Man, whats your problem? Im not gonna hurt you. But whatever man, do you know where the nearest town is then?"

"No! Now leave!" He exclaimed

'What a weird guy' I thought whilst turning away, i took one glance back and i swear i saw a red flash in his eyes.

Man, whatever i gotta get back to Lucy

Lucys POV-

I see Leo jogging back over to me with a wolf following him?

"Whats that?!" I yelled at him, he gave the a confused look then looked over his shoulder and his eyes widened

"That's probably why there is a magic seal!" He yelled "Lucy run!"

"No! This could be good training" i said running towards him, he looked at me concerned

"Celestial dragon roar!" I chanted aiming at the wolf thing behind Leo.

The wolf thing was blown backwards, Leo ran up to me and looked at the injured 'thing'

"Poor dude. So thats why he was all panicky" Leo said casually, obviously not really caring about the wolf dude on the ground slowly transforming into a human.

"Panicky?" I looked up at him confused

He shook his head "doesn't matter. Anyway we should leave before he regains consciousness."


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