Help Me

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Chapter 18


So i lay down. maybe i should go to sleep. So i go to my closet and start getting dressed. Then I see a shadow come in. i look around.

"Hello" i said. Then the shadow hits me. i go to hit it back but he grabs my two arms and puts them around my back then ties them up and throws me at the wall.

"Uff" i say.

"Haha" he laughs.

"Leave me alone Joel" i say.

"Why where's the fun in that" he asked.

"Let me go" i say. Then he picks me up and throws me on the bed.

"Quiet now i will be right back" he said. Hit me then put tape on me mouth and tied my feet.

"Mmmm" i say.

"Quiet i will be right here" he said. pulled open the door and Sophie fell.

"Uff" she said.

"Hi Sophie wanna join the party" he said then grabbed her up. Then she hits him and try's to run. But he grabs her arms and ties them up behind her back. Then she kicks him. Then try's again but he pulls her lag and she flys back. And she didn't say anything.

"MMMMM" i yell. He ties her feet and puts tape on her mouth. Then lays her on the bed. Sophie is she okay oh my gosh. Then he rips the tape off my mouth.

"Were is James" he asks.

"I don't know" i say. He pulls my hair.

"Ahh" i say in pain.

"WERE IS HE" he asks again.

"He ran away i don't know were though" i said. Then he lets go of my hair. Then puts the tape back on my mouth. Then Seth runs in.

"Lets them Go" he said.

"Ummm..... No" he said. Then two of his men i didn't see who they were grabbed us and took us out. Then he put us in a car. Then we drove away and i feel asleep. When i woke up my wrists were chained to The wall. And beside me was Sophie her wrists were chained to. Then on my other side was Seth his arms were chained to. Then Sophie opened her eyes.

"Riley were r u" she asked.

"I'm right beside u" i say.

"My head hurts" she said.

"Do u think u will be okay" i ask.

"Ya i think so what happened" she asked. Then i told her. and then Joel walked in.

"Why r u doing this to me" i ask.

"I will tell you why" he starts...


I woke up and Selena was gone and i heard a scream.

"HELP ME" so i ran outside no one was there Then Carl ran out his tent. Then Harry then Louis ran out.

"SELENA" i yell.

"Come on we have to find her" said Carl.

"We need to split up and look" i suggested.

"Good idea me and James will go this way. And Harry go that way Louis go that way" said Carl pointing. Then we ran into the directions he gave us. Then me and Carl heard.

"HELP" said Selena.

"Shut up" said a voice.

"Shhh" said Carl sneaking up. we went behind trees. We saw guys with Selena. 1..2...3 Carl pointed.

"LET HER GO" i yell. Carl still stayed behind the tree.

"Or what" he asked.

"Give her to me" i said.

"What will i get" he asked. I realized he was on of Paul's Goons and the guy i saw in the vision killing Selena.

"Grace" i said.

"Deal were is she" he asked.

"In my room u never lay a hand on Selena again and i stay away from Grace deal" i said.

"Deal" he said then he threw Selena to me and he left. I helped her up and Carl came out.

"Good job" said Carl.

"Ya thanks for the help" I said.

"I was backup just in case" he said.

"I know just Thanks Carl for letting me stay with u" i said.

"No problem lets go back" Carl said. I picked Selena up and we walked back to the camp. Everyone was back. Then i heard a gunshot.

"What the what was that" i said.

"Your being hunted" said Louis.

"Come everyone get ur tents and set out the fire quick" Carl said.


Whats going to happen to The camp?

And whats going to happen to Riley, Sophie and Seth?


Thanks for reading:).

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