The Pregnant Teen

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21. The Pregnant Teen

To sum this up, this stereotype is basically MTV's 16 and Pregnant embodied in literal form. And this is how the story goes:

Some bitch (aka the protagonist) finds out she's pregnant literally two seconds after having sex. Now, I believe I already wrote about this in an earlier chapter, but here it is again: do your fucking research. Please don't make shit up, especially when it's not even remotely realistic. I swear to God, I once read this 1D fan fic where the author was so fucking indolent she decided to fucking invent a pregnancy test and attempted to explain how it works in the author’s note.

Listen up assbutt, if you aren't willing to invest your time in writing your story properly, I'm not going to invest my time in reading it.

Anywhore, getting back on topic. These pregnancy stories always have some form of cheating woven into the plotline. Thus, the protagonist gets pregnant from anybody that isn’t her boyfriend. Seriously. Pregnant from her bully, her teacher, her cat, Satan. Literally anything and everything but her boyfriend.

So, realizing that her boyfriend will eventually understand that the thing growing inside her belly is actually hers and Satan’s lovechild, she contemplates getting an abortion for approximately 700 chapters, but ultimately decides to keep the child.

When it comes to her parents, the father is always pissed. Always. The mother, however, is a teensy bit more flexible. She has two modes:

1.       Euphoric

2.       Depressed

There’s literally no in between. And they’re always the same reasons too. If she’s happy it’s because she was also a teen mom and thus supports her daughter. If she’s upset then it’s because she’s either ashamed or just downright hates her daughter.

So, I already have a chapter about Parents, but I didn’t actually get the chance to talk about how shitty the stereotype is. So I’ll just give you guys this mini rant:

Why is it that authors must disgrace the idea of parenthood? Why must they make the parents alcoholics, abusive or druggies? I’m not saying you shouldn’t write those kinds of characters.

It’s just that authors nowadays are too lazy to come up with their own characters and resolve to use stereotypical characteristics because it’s the easy way out. I know I don’t make any sense but I don’t even care anymore. Look, just because the parent is a druggie doesn’t mean they’re a bad parent. And just because they’re clean doesn’t mean they’re a good parent. Your characters need to be more dimensional. You can’t just throw in the word “abusive” into the story and expect that to give your character more depth.

To conclude, I want to get back to what this stereotype is about: the Pregnant Teen. I’m gonna make this short and clear. Not all teen moms are shitty moms. And they’re most definitely not whores, okay?

It’s 2014, buddy. If you don’t like sex you’re weird. 

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