The Bella Swan

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6. The Bella Swan 

Also known as Mary Sue. I think I'm gonna scream. *takes a deep breath* I hate Twilight. I hate the plot, I hate the characters, I hate the writing and I especially hate Bella Swan. So imagine the horror when I realized Wattpad had been invaded by this stereotype. This bitch is beautiful but completely unaware of it, pure of heart and incapable of doing wrong. She usually suffers from a tragic past that she overcomes when the right man comes along. She blushes every 2.3823969729 seconds and has the emotional range of a peanut. What the actual fuck?

Your characters should not, I repeat, should not be perfect! They need to have faults. They can't always be slender, tall, model-like girls! They can't always have long, blonde, volumized, beautiful hair that reaches their fucking arse! People, please! This is by far the most overused stereotype ever. Like ever.

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