Avengers, who?

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Spoilers for Guardians of the Galaxy... Quick question, has it already come out in the USA?

Drax is connected
Gamora is connected
StarLord is connected
Rocket is connected
Groot is connected
Nebula is connected
Mantis is connected
Steve is connected
Natasha is connected
Tony is connected
Thor is connected
Bruce is connected
Loki is connected
Wanda is connected
Vision is connected
PeterParker is connected
Clint is connected
StephenS is connected


Tony: For what?

StarLord: We just saved your asses

Natasha: When?

StarLord: Like 3 days ago


Rocket: Wait?! You didn't know?

Bruce: About what?

Rocket: Peter's dad was going to destroy every planet

PeterParker: WAIT

StarLord: He's talking about MY dad

PeterParker: Oh... sorry

Thor: So you were the ones who destroyed the planet Ego?

Gamora: Yes

Loki: You destroyed a planet?

Drax: YEAH

Loki:...can you give me instructions or something?


Nebula: Loki?

Loki: Oh hi Nebula, this is awkward

Nebula: You know Thanos is looking for you, right?

Loki: He won't find me!

Steve: Who are you?

Gamora: She's my sister

Mantis: And I am Mantis!!!

Drax: She's ugly

Gamora: Drax please stop!

Mantis: Oh Gamora, I don't mind it, he says it's better to be ugly

StarLord: For the hundredth time you aren't ugly!


Nebula: Oh my gosh, not this sh*t again

Rocket: Drax, she is seriously not ugly

Groot: I am Groot

Mantis: Thank you Groot <3

Drax: You​ are beautiful Mantis....hahaha 😉

StarLord: Why are you winking?!

Drax: Rocket taught me how to be sarcastic

Groot: I am Groot

Rocket: I am not the worst at being sarcastic!!! 😑

Nebula: Yes you are! And I don't even know you that well!

Gamora: How's your trip sis?

Nebula: It's not a trip! I'm going to kill Thanos

StephenS: By yourself?

Nebula: obviously

StephenS: You know he is one of the most powerful beings in the universe, right?

Steve: Okay... What? Who is Thanos and what the heck is going on?!

StephenS: I'm sorry Captain America, I almost forgot you and your team only deal with earth problems

Natasha: We stopped Loki! And killed the chitauris!

Gamora: Chitauris?! Hahaha

Nebula: Those losers?!? Yeah you are great, oh my gosh, Gamora why didn't you tell me they were funny?

Gamora: I didn't know 😂😂😂


Rocket: you could literally kill them with a gun 😂

Groot: I am Groot


Steve: Why are you laughing?! It was an entire army

StephenS: Don't take this wrong Captain but we are in a superior level of dealing with threats

Loki: Hey! My army was strong!

Nebula: Oh poor Loki, Thanos didn't tell you how easy you can kill them, did he?

Loki: ... HE IS SO DEAD

Bruce: Who have you dealed with Doctor Strange?!

StephenS: Oh you know, only Dormammu

Gamora: From the dark dimension? That's pretty impressive, how did you kill him?

Thor: He is not dead

StephenS: Because I didn't kill him, I stopped him from destroying earth and probably the complete solar system, I bargained

StarLord: Okay that's cool, BUT have you saved the entire Galaxy?

StephenS: Not yet

Rocket: Well WE have!


Gamora: 😎

Groot: I am Groot

Steve: The important thing is that the earth and Galaxy still exist

Nebula: Such losers

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