Photos Part 1

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Natasha is connected
Jean is connected
ScottSummers is connected
Sam is connected
ScottLang is connected
PeterParker is connected
Wanda is connected
Tony is connected
Pepper is connected
PeterMaximoff is connected
Thor is connected
Loki is connected
MrDeadpool is connected
Steve is connected
Bruce is connected
Clint is connected
Bok is connected
Magneto is connected
CharlesXavier is connected
T'Challa is connected

Thor: Brother?

Loki: Oh right, hi Thor

Thor: O.o

Loki: I'm not dead

Thor: I can see that

Loki: yeah...

Thor: You pretended to be dead?!?

Loki: Yep

Thor: Why?!

Loki: So I could be the King

Magneto: Look at him everybody, he's so evil. I am so proud :')

CharlesXavier: .___.

Thor: So you are pretending to be our father

Loki: Your father, yes


Heimdall: I thought Thor would be a bit more emotional

Thor: Heimdall you knew?!???!

Heimdall: Oh, I know everything;)

Sam: Yeah right 😂

Heimdall: Do you want me to tell everyone about the socks?

Sam: 😐 please no

Heimdall: 😎 I am so powerful

CharlesXavier: Heimdall, do you want me to tell everyone about what you do on your free time?

Heimdall: 😐 please no

CharlesXavier: 😎 Like a boss

Magneto: Charles, you are not a boss

CharlesXavier: Screw you Erik, I am a boss

Jean: That sounds... weird

ScottSummers: Really weird...

MrDeadpool: Heyo

PeterParker: Hello, by the way is your name actually Deadpool?

MrDeadpool: No

Bok: What is your name?

MrDeadpool: Wade

Bok: Sounds lame

MrDeadpool: You know what else is lame?

Bok: What?

MrDeadpool: Your f****** face t(-.-t)

Steve: could we please just not use that language!?!

MrDeadpool: Is it a question?

Steve: What? ._.

MrDeadpool: I'm asking cause if it is a question my answer is: NO

PeterMaximoff: Okay man

MrDeadpool: You are talking to me?

PeterParker: Yeah he was

MrDeadpool: Whatever

Tony: Romanoff!!!!

Natasha: WHAT


Loki: Absolutely nothing, she's perfect😉

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