Chapter 28: A new dilemma

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Sarah's P.O.V

My head hurt. The only thought as I groaned was, "Where was I?" Everything around me got a bit more focused and then it dawned upon me...Shit! I was in his house. Still. Slowly, last night's events came into my mind. I rushed to get out of this place. I grabbed my heels and swiftly pulled the door open and found my way to the top of the stairs and ran down taking two steps at once. I halted as I saw two kind faces looking at me from the living room couch. His parents...uh-oh.

I went up them and smiled. What else could I do? Run away like a nut-case? Avery, my mother in law, came up to me and inquired, "Everything alright, dear?" her big brown doe eyes showing concern. It felt like she was looking into soul. I lied bravely, "Yeah, Everything's fine." I smiled as convincingly as possible. He hasn't told them yet about the divorce.

"Morning, honey." His deep voice came from his study. 'Honey'?!!! Yeah right. He would never call me that in his right mind. He walked out of his study and made his way towards me. The moment I saw his face I once again recollected last night's events. Did he forget he slept with some bitch last night? Not that I care... I mean, why would I?

He slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer.

"You two are just so cute!" Avery squealed in delight.

I looked away from him. I knew I was turning red in embarrassment. I could feel my face heat up. I didn't want him to see me blush. And I didn't want to look at his face after what he did last night. Even if he didn't love or need me...I was still his wife, we were married, no, we ARE married, and he couldn't just have another girl. Well he's HIM so I guess he could.

I just realized I don't want him anymore. Maybe I love him. But that isn't important to him. I don't want a guy who sees me like I'm just the same as every other girl. I don't want a guy who threatens to slap me and who does. I don't want a guy who hurts me over and over again without considering the fact that I'm human. I don't want him. I just want love, care and affection and I'm never going to get that from a guy like him. Ever.

For now, I had to put on a happy face for his sweet-hearted parents. John cleared his throat. "I thought of taking a family vacation."

My eyes widened. Oh no!

He continued, "We'll be going to Hawaii. Just me, my beautiful wife, you two and Kiara." Kiara was Keith's 20 year old sister.

"We're in," Keith replied to his father and then smiled at me. There was no evil glint in his eye. It was a genuine smile. A smile that makes my heart melt. God! Why do I get drawn close to him somehow, even when I want to get as far away as possible and never look back? When will this game end?

Author's note: hey you guys!!!!! I'm extremely busy studying for my exams and well I have my battles in my life. I went through a hard time and I still am. I'm soooooooo sorry. I'll try my best to keep updating. Honestly, the 15K reads made my day and I had to write to make you all happy. Thanks for reading. Thanks for all your support. Please vote, comment, recommend. Once again, I'm sorry.

Love, Essy <3

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