Chapter 48: A mystery

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Kiara's POV

One week later...
It was one week already and Keith still hasn't come back to us. He's in a coma. The doctors have tried everything. Even an expert in neurology from New York came to observe him and give treatment but still no progress.
Jeremy was always with me and we were there for my mother. He always stayed by my side, for a person who knew me recently, it was the best. We called Keith's childhood friend, Jacob and Noel. Noel cried at the site of Keith being all connected to tubes and Jake stayed over every time me or my mother had to go home to rest. It has been a week and we still couldn't reach Sarah. Jacob assumed all this had something to do with her. We called her parents and they didn't even let us speak. They just let us know she is happy and safe and immediately hung up. Where was she? Didn't she love my brother? It looked like they were deeply in love. Noel was deep in thought all these days as if he was trying to solve an issue.

Jacob and Noel stayed over with Keith on Saturday night. The next morning as I walked into ward, I heard agitated voices. I stood hiding behind the corner. Jacob sounded pissed, "Noel, Keith must've done something reckless and she must've left."

Noel argued back, " No way! I've done all sorts of crazy stuff and Keith has never kicked my ass for any of it but for her, he did. He loves her, Jake. For real." 

Jake shook his head in disagreement.

Noel continued, " I was wrong and I hate to admit it. This girl is Keith's one and I know there's something fishy going on cos in her eyes Keith is god and Keith sees her as an angel, so how did she leave when Keith started giving her the attention she never got before from him?"

Jacob sighed, " I don't know, Noel"

It dawned on me that Sarah and Keith were just starting to make progress as a couple, then she left and this accident. Why did she leave? Why did her parents support her? I rubbed my fingers over my temples. I walked over to Jake and Noel to let them know I was here.

"I couldn't help overhearing," I told them. I looked at Noel. "We have to find out why she left and where she is!" "Keith needs her."

Noel nodded in agreement the picked up his jacket from one hand and threw it over his shoulder as his other arm was in a cast.
"What happened?" I asked beckoning at his arm.
He merely chuckled and said, "Your brother." He gave a goofy grin at my shocked expression. He turned to Jake and said, "Get to Claire, I'll figure out this thing about Sarah."
Jake nodded silently.
I watched as they both left the ward together.

Noel's POV

You know the thing about best friends, no, bros? Even if they try to strangle you one day, they need you the next day. Keith needs us. He's been our best friend since we were 3 and nothing is going to change that. I quickly got into my car and went to the only place I might start to get some answers. After five minutes, I stopped in front of Sarah's friend's place.

I knocked on the door thrice and it opened after a short while. I saw the short girl who wore a bridesmaid dress at Keith's wedding who was now in angry birds PJs. She looked kinda cute even with her bed hair. I shook that thought away. Keith!
"Who are you?" She inquired after giving me a once over.
"I'm Keith's friend and I need your help."
She punched me right across my jaw.

Author's note: hey guys I'm sooooooooo sorry I didn't update. I'm busy with my exams and I'm trying to balance writing as well. Sorry guys. Sorry it is a short update. But I'll try to update again soon . please excuse any spelling or grammar errors as I'm typing on my phone. I'll edit later. Love, S.C.

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