Cookie's cause trouble.

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'' Molly, you're so harsh.'' Jake pointed out as I ate my cookie. He was sat in the chair, sulking while he held his regular sized cookie away from him like it was diseased or something.

'' Don't be so over-dramatic.'' I said, rolling my eyes. He growled at me and I looked up at him innocently.

'' Problem?'' I asked, smirking. You'd think he's become Territorial over land or his room, nope, it's over my cookie.

'' You, are my problem.'' He said, taking his turn to roll his eyes. His hair was almost dry now, the mass of black hair slightly forming into damp curls.

'' You love me really!'' I sang, taking another bite of my cookie, which melted in my mouth. Aunt Jenna always made the best cookies.

'' I love the look of that cookie!'' He shouted running towards me. Shoving the cookie into my mouth I ran out the back door until my feet made contact with the soft green grass. I turned around,taking my stance and moving slightly left as he ran at me. My shoulder connected with his and he fell to the ground, Rolling around and holding his shoulder. I Lent down next to his face and grinned as he stared at me, false anger showing in his eyes.

'' My cookie.'' I whispered around the large cookie in my mouth, my mouth right by his ear. His soft hair brushed against my cheek, sending pulses of electricity down my spine and causing my arms to cover in goosebumps despite the boiling sun pounding down on out bare skin. His head turned slightly as he looked me in the eye, his smile reached his own deep blue eyes.

'' Our, cookie.'' He said, taking such a big bite out of my cookie that out lips connected sending chills throughout my entire body. His lips lingered there as I smiled, his kisses always had this lasting affect on me, on my body. I wanted Jake, the feeling was always there. I'm surprised he isn't my mate. I would gladly accept Jake as my mate, he is so kind hearted. Coming out of my trance I pulled the cookie from in-between us as my arms snaked around his neck. I pushed him down towards the grass, straddling him. He bit my bottom lip teasingly and his hands travelled the length of my spine. Pure joy flooded through me as our tongues entwined with each-other,. I pulled away softly and sat up.

'' What am I going to do with you?'' I asked, looking down at his satisfied, beautiful face.

'' Whatever you feel like.'' He said. I grinned and leaned forward, brushing my lips against his. A smile formed on my face as he sighed with contempt.

'' In that case..'' I murmured onto his soft, addicting lips. He opened his eyes blazing eyes, they revealed his disbelief. I pinched the inside of his arm, that was his soft spot. If you pinched that you bloody ran. I  got up and legged it into the house as he growled, I forced my legs to go faster as I laughed, I had won!

'' You tease!'' He shouted, coming up behind me and grabbing my waist. I kicked and screamed, laughing my head of as he spun me around using all the speed he could muster.

'' JAKE!'' I shouted As the world span. He placed me on the floor as my head rolled from dizziness.

'' I will kill you!'' I shouted, trying to clutch to his foot.He jumped out the way as my cookie started to come back up.

'' IF I LOOSE MY COOKIE I WILL-'' I was cut of by my own food coming back up. I swallowed it back in an attempt to not be sick everywhere. I head Jake laughing as I stood up, Swaying around the place. I tried to miss the washing pole stuck up from the ground but I failed walking straight into it and hitting my cheekbone. I held my face as his laughing stopped, hot tears fell onto my hand.

'' Ouch.'' I sobbed, trying to stand back up.

'' Oh my god Moll I'm SO sorry I didn't think you'd hit your self!'' He apologised.

'' Help me you ass hole.'' I said, pouting, still a little dizzy. The world turned over and I screetched.

'' Don't worry I've got you.'' Jake said as I felt his strong arms wrap around my back and legs. I held on rested my head on his shoulder. He placed me down on the kitchen counter top and placed both hands onto he side of my face.

'' It's already bruised, almost gone, give it ten minutes.'' He said, smiling sadly. My cheek throbbed, but at least I heal quicker that any human, weather I cant shift or not.

'' Kiss it better.'' I commanded the alpha. He placed his full, gentil lips onto my cheek as another tear landed on those perfect lips.

'' I'm sorry.'' He said.

'' I am all better now.'' I said, smiling. how is it that one boy, who is not my mate can make me feel so happy? so relaxed? so... at home. I heard a bitchy scoff from behind me as I moved past Jake to face haven.

'' Shut it haven.'' I told her, grabbing Jake's hand and stepping forward.

'' Fuck off molly no shift.'' She sneered, looking me up and down. Haven has had a crush on Jake since she was fourteen, our relationship infuriated haven. I ignored her and walked past, but Jake stayed behind. Wondering what Jake was saying to haven I sat on he white leather couch and sighed. I pulled my knees up to my face, trying not to cry. how can one, small, immature nickname cause me so much pain?

Oh yes, I remember.

Because it's true.

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